If you are planning to run for Betterton City Council or Mayor, time is running short. Judy Kohl has said that all potential candidates need all of their paperwork into the Town office no later than 11:30 AM on September 1. The B-blogger has it from some very reliable sources that all present elected officials for whom their term expires will be running to maintain their positions on Betterton's City Council. The real question is do you care? Can you name all present sitting members of Betterton's City Council? Do you know their positions on present issues and their vision for Betterton in the future? Do you know which member of Council has repeatedly been sighted with a wardrobe malfunction? (Hint: it is not the Mayor).
The B-blogger is first to admit a huge deficit in understanding current Council member's vision for the future? I do want to know whether candidates have thought about this and what that vision entails. Sure everyone wants reduced taxes and more service, but get real people ! How is Betterton going to capitalize on planned expansion of Aberdeen? What type of business can be attracted to the Jewel that will create sustainability? Imagine a Betterton of the future, where Kent County residents and tenants can grab a quick breakfast before boarding an eco-friendly high speed ferry to Aberdeen, Wilmington, and Baltimore .
The B-Blogger suggests that we create our own League of Women Voters to hold at least one candidate debate to hear their plans if elected. Further, I would suggest that our panel of interviewers be Judy Kohl, Joanne Jewett and Mare Smith. Additionally, if any candidate would like to post their vision on the Betterton Blog just provide it directly to Councilman Zellers and he will get it to the B-Blogger. If nothing else, candidates should declare their goals with a "Post" below.
Elections are October 2nd at Town Hall, so make sure you register ASAP and cast your ballot for the future of this town, I know I will.
So who has officially filed???
ReplyDeleteask Judy
ReplyDeleteNothing in the KCN. Hoping our Mayor is staying on the train building a head of steam.
ReplyDeleteAnd don't forget our strong team of Councilmen.
ReplyDeleteSeems as if some people in Betterton want to derail that train. It will be an interesting election. Do we continue to move forward??????? Hope so !!!!!
ReplyDeleteHow can the out-of-town property owners who represent a majority of the town's tax base get a voice in the town government? It's usually impossible to drive an hour or two to attend meetings during the week. We have been told that our opinions don't count because we can't vote. I'm not aware of any internet postings of meeting agenda's or minutes. Help!
ReplyDeleteWe have two candidates for Mayor:
ReplyDeleteJoanne F. Jewett Holledge
Carolyn Sorge
We have four candidates for Council:
Janice Lee Dey
Margaret M. Patterson
Robert E. Pyfer
Donald East Sutton
A sample ballot will be posted on September 16 at Town Hall and in the Kent County News.
I have contacted the League of Women Voters to see if they can help set up and officiate a debate. I will contact all candidates when I hear from the League.
ReplyDeleteTo answer PaNavy. Good points. I believe there was a request in one of the recent newsletters - the one with the water bills - for email addresses that the town secretary can use to pass along information. Not many people responded. It would be a way to post meeting agendas and minutes from the meetings. Also, a town website would be very useful - know anyone who could volunteer to create it? If everyone had the agenda, then they could email comments before the meeting. Lots of possibilities if Betterton had a website.
ReplyDeleteThis poster endorses our current leadership including council. I mean who does not love candy? All puns intended.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to know why there is no money in the town treasury at the end of the physical year.
ReplyDeleteCould it be it gets lost?
I think that we should have a website whether it be facebook or utilize Baybroadband who provides our internet.
ReplyDeleteI have broght this up at meetings to as ususal deaf ears.
I would love to see Betterton with a website, rock hall has one and i am quite sure other towns do as well.
It would be easy to have a Mayor and Council Blog where the Mayor and elected officials could post minutes, concerns etc. Mayor and Council would own the Blog so that they create the content, residents can only respond as in this Blog. The B-Blogger would be more than happy to help set this up. Rather than a website which doesn't allow for comments and feedback.
ReplyDeleteMs. Maggie placed her comments with the wrong posting so please read if you haven't?
ReplyDeleteGood Morning B-blog viewers,
For those that don't know me my name is Maggie Patterson and I am one of the folks running for Election to Council. I ran 2 years ago and lost unfortunately by a mere 4 votes so thank you to all that voted for me, I'm Back.
I have a lot of views and opinions of how to take Betterton into the next generation and make this a place that while driving down the street you will not see so many for sale sign.
I don't feel at this point nor did i feel 2 years ago that we have a government for the residents. We have had in place for many many years the same Mayor and for many years the same council members. Thank goodness for Mike Otwelll who managed to get on council two years ago.
As someone mentioned earlier using the metaphor for a train and that the mayor needs to get the steam up, honestly the train has been sitting in the station for years with the same kaboose and conductors and the cost keeps going up. It must be a steam engine because the cost of water to make steam is felt by the residents who don't have the right ticket to board this train. I say derail that train and get a new advanced model. I hope everyone that is speaking for change uses the opportunity at election time to voice that with a vote and get things running more like a town than a minority of individuals. The last time I looked we have more than 4 folks (mayor and 3 council members) living in Betterton.
September 4, 2010 7:16 AM
We can talk about trains, and government that represents the people but what are the hard core specifics. I personally want to look out into the future of this town and how we can grow our tax base. This morning while walking the dog I happened to walk out and visit the NP (The NorthPort) docked in Betterton. This little vessel could easily transport 15-20 people, imagine if it ran a summer service so that visitors could board in Wilmington and or Baltimore to come and spend a weekend here. Small food shops could pop up and provide provisions for those setting sale, perhaps some B&B's could return! Imagine if you wanted to take the family to the Inner Harbor and wouldn't have to worry about crossing the Bay Bridge? What are the plans for business growth? What other opportunities are out there that we haven't even considered? Why can't we have at least a quarterly Council Meeting that is held on a weekend? The comments on this post are a good start now lets gets specific!
ReplyDeleteI would hope that each of the members running for council would explain why they are running and what they hope to accomplish - it often seems that individuals running for council have their own personal agendas rather than trying to represent the views of the voters - there is just too much pettiness and bickering going on in such a small town
ReplyDeletethank you Betterton Blogger for putting this for everyone to read. It is refreshing to see that we have great people in Betterton that want to see change. It is what is needed and I thank you for helping me to reach the folks in Betterton.
ReplyDeleteMs. Maggie, how would you tackle the crime problem in our town?
ReplyDeleteTo B2161001612(thank you for asking) and Everyone that has a chance to read this:
ReplyDeleteMy goal for the town of Betterton, if elected for council, is to bring about change to this wonderful little town. My agenda is as follows:
1. To revisit the water bill issue and come up with a new and improved process and cost base that will be affordable to all residents whether they are full or part time residents.
2. To bring back business to Betterton which in my opinion will increase revenue for the town and bring back that spark which will entise people to visit our town and give home town residents a chance to be a part of it.
3. To create a group of volunteers that will look out for the needs or our town's residents whether elderely or young,everyone needs help from time to time during times of inclement weather or just on a as need basis. Betterton residents helped to build this town to what it is and it's time to give back to them in any way we can.
4. To create a small police force that I believe the town charter at original inception budgeted for in order to keep order in town when needed.
5. Although skateboarding has been outlawed it is an activity that kids still enjoy and I would like to see a possible skate board park even if it means charging a small fee this is beneficial to the kids as well as a income generator.And an organized area will tend to keep the kids out of trouble.
6. We have been given the task of creating a town center by the purchase of the Catholic church and although it may not have been the best decision made it is a done deal. I would like to see this community center thrive as a place for all residents to take advanatage of with some educational classes and a meeting place for groups such as NA and AA.
I have some other issues on my mind but my main objective is to bring Betterton back to a fair and positive place for all residents. I moved here for a reason 21 years ago and that reason was the small town appeal but I have seen a government that cares for the minority and not the majority and I think it is time for change.
We need to take back our town and If anyone has been to any of the meetings the mere asking of a question can be at times very trying with no definitive answer given.
ReplyDeleteI first would put in place a police force which i think we need. when there is a call for assistance it takes KCSD time to respond to it as well as if it is something for the state police they have to come from Centerville unless they are in the area. I am not a officer of the law but I think having closer options for law officers is a good start as well as 0 tolerance. We need to be able to follow thru with any complaints we lodge and most of the time we don't get involved. I would urge all residents to report what they see from illegal burning to kids hanging out during the school day when we had issues of breakins. Where we start is looking out for our neighbors
I think how to resolve the crime issues which are troubling at least our west side, start in the home. It should be #1 priority for parents.
ReplyDeleteGood Morning anonymous,
ReplyDeleteI am not quite sure who lives on the West Side or where the West side is but we need not discrimiate on which side of town criminal issues arrise, I think the crime rate is mimimal at best and it is not segregated to one specific side of town. I do think the #1 priority for parents is to instill values in your children but when all is said and done the parents should not be blamed for things that happen. You can raise your children to be the best person they can be and unfortuntaly when they reach a certain age they have their own minds and you can only hope they learn from their mistakes. Keep in mind only one person is in a position to place judgement on another.
Second Note,
ReplyDeleteLet's not use this site to bash each other that is not what I believe the site to be for, let's concentrate on change for Betterton and briging about unity not division.
The goal here is to make this a great place to live and to be honest I grew up in the City, I still work in the City but I get a feeling of relief when i cross the bridge back into Maryland and turn my car down Ericsson Avenue toward my home. I can freely walk around town at any given time of day and know that this is a wonderful place to live. So for all intensive purposes lets do as another poster stated and leave the bashing and other negative comments for your own kitchen table. I was taught if you have nothing nice to say about someone than don't say anything at all and I think that holds true for online communities as well.
Wait, what does the Anonymous of Sept 9 mean by "just to put money in your own pockets"? That's a pretty strong accusation of fiduciary dishonesty that requires irrefutable proof.
ReplyDeleteMs. Maggie,
ReplyDeleteI agree with you on the town having a basic website for communication and information although I have always had responsive answers whenever I have reached out to Annette. It would be nice to have a self service option during or after hours.
You scare me with creating a "small police force". It is a common or business sense concern I have with you.
The creation of a police force at minimum would cost $350,000 per year. This is at tax cost of $2,000 for every man, women an child in town. More than 5k in taxes per Betterton household.
The numbers include 5 patrol officers which would cover one officer on duty each weekly shift. Each Officer would cost 65k each including salary, benefits, training, outfitting and employer taxes. Throw in a car and gas and your looking at $350,000 per year.
Any candidate can state new ideas. The key is having the common business sense to know which ones make "fiscal" sense.
Few of us have any time to waste with false accusations. Let's keep this election and discussion honest and on the issues. Unfounded accusations and mud slinging get us no where, as Maggie has suggested.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to call a few of these Anonymous contributors out on their silly comments. If they continue, someone probably will. It's not too hard to figure out people who using this blog for their own purposes. I propose to the B-blogger that this section be shut down. Silly, non founded accusations are not achieving anything; Maggie's' and the Anonymous's of Sept 10 at 4:39 recent comments above make far more sense. I hope that the "Right on baby!" contributor is not involved in the campaign in any way.
ReplyDeleteWhy would I triple my current taxes for a town police force? We have very little crime although almost all the crime in town I read/hear about is committed by a few local citizens.
ReplyDeleteTo anonymous of Septerber 10th of the issue with the police force, it was just a suggestions of what I would like to see and to be honest I have both business and common sense. I don't know where you came up with the cost, I am not asking for 5 officers at all and the need for all the other cost in your opinion are well over priced. This is just one thing I would like to see and it is not the only one if you had read what I stand for. The police force is actually the last thing on the list that we need to concentrate on we have bigger issues pending in this town and everyone knows it. I think the focus would not to keep pointing out one issue and attacking that one issue I think we need to step up and take alot of the issues facing this town and stop downplaying and over pricing them and get to the root of the issues at hand.
ReplyDeleteI also want to point out that an anonymous name is in my opinion a complainer that plays both sides.
Let me say one more thing about what I represent to this town.
ReplyDeleteI am an honest hard working Lady with one goal in mind and that is to bring about needed change to this town. I have been here for over 20 years and I have seen the management of this town go down in every way possible from bad spending to simply not living up to why they took office and that was to make sure this town was for the people who live here either year round or part time.
We need to start treating everyone with respect no matter who they are or where they are from.
I intend to fully go forth with this election and I hope that I have a chance to take office and work towards that change whether it be for a police force or the issues outlined above but I will not be intimidated by anyone and if anyone knows me even slighly that is not a possiblity to begin with.
I want to take Betterton into the next decade as a thriving place and a humane place to live in.
So I ask for all mudd slinging and accusations to remain as I said before at your kitchen table and not in this forum.
thanks for listening
I have found that a police force of retired policman from other places would not put that size demand on our town. There are a lot of policman retirered working in small towns all over the country. Think about it.
ReplyDeleteIn these tough economic times we should be figuring out how to do more with less - taxes are already high enough (actually too high); the next council really needs to look at all of the town's expenses and reduce them where-ever possible; while more police presence might be nice, there really seems to be little crime in town - a town watch might provide additional security if that is what individuals are looking
ReplyDeleteI agree with the town watch and at this point in time I wish I had not even mentioned the police issue so for right now I will more than gladly put that thought on the back burner after all the town's residents are speaking out with their views and to be honest that is what the council is all about working for the people that elected them.
ReplyDeleteI don't find the idea a creating a Betterton Police Department as bewildering as the irony of those who have promoted it.
ReplyDeleteLOL regarding cheap ways to pay for a Police Force. I know a few "Inspectors" who would be willing to work for free!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous of September 12, 2010 5:11am:
ReplyDeleteWow anonymous once again you have release another arrow toward the West side of town and I think it is ironic that anyone with so much to say would stay anonymous.
This is not a battle ground or a linching this is a forum for disgussing the issues that matter to some of us in town and all the mud slinging and accusations come without direct knowledge of the facts.
I have suggested leaving these types of comments to your own kitchen table but apparantely that suggestion has fallen on closed minded non hearing hypocrits and I really think you need to step back and realize this is a new day and age and whether I get elected or not my goals will remain the same.
The direct attacks on me just make me more determined to conduct myself as an educated lady that will indeed hold my head up high no matter what is said.
I have listened to the online babbling you have been doing and I am just going to consider the source and keep it moving
ReplyDeleteThe more I think about this the angrier I seem to be getting. You have torn apart my suggestion of a police force and hurled attacks at me but did you even read the other issues I stand for.
The issues of high water bills, bringing economy to this town to make it thrive.
You should really go back and look at my posting of my issues and what I would like to see changed.
OMG leave the attacks out of this forum and work with us not against us.
This site should be shut down - it is not serving a constructive purpose. People in town are turning against each other and that is the last thing that should happen. We are a small town and we should all try to get along.
ReplyDeleteI hope all who are participating in these blog comments will attend the Candidates' Forum on Monday, September 27th at 7:00 p.m. at the Betterton Fire Hall. The League of Women Voters of Kent County has agreed to organize and moderate the Forum. They are a neutral organization dedicated to helping the public and candidates have informative discussions.
ReplyDeleteThank you anonymous and Ms. Judy, oh and by the way Happy Birthday Ms. Judy.
ReplyDeleteI agreee this is not what this site is intended for and I certainly did not expect to be verbally attacked like I have been.
I would really like to see everyone that has any opinions or desires for the town to write them down and hand them to each candidate, not that all can be achieved but at least we will know what the voters would like to see from the candidates.
And as Judy stated please with the opinions come to the forum and ask the questions but if you come with attacks as you have here that would totally defeat the purpose of the event. It is a wonderful idea to get to know the candidates and not attack them as this has been the tone so far here.
Unfortunately, I think this string of comments nicely highlights the underlying problems with Betterton as a whole. Division and factionalization, distrust, dishonesty, and downright unfriendliness. There are so many wonderful things about where we live....but, particularly for those of us who live here full-time, they are largely spoiled by the negative social climate and, frankly, the embarrassing reputation Betterton has acquired throughout the county. This climate needs to change! We need more transparency and communication from town government, first of all. We need to make SURE that ALL residents are actively welcomed and encouraged to participate in town government and community activities (for that matter...we should have more community activities. Maybe if more of us were friends with each other...) And we need to stop the gossip and nastiness and start looking out for our neighbors and caring about them. I will be at the Candidates' Forum on the 27th, but I will definitely remain yet another anonymous commenter to this post because to tell you the truth, I don't feel very safe otherwise.
ReplyDeleteI can totally understand your feelings anonymous on not revealing your name for not feeling safe when it comes to commenting in this forum It has been nothing but a finger pointing nasty site that has done nothing but to attack me and my family and frankly my family has done nothing to this town and the feelings that have come to light make the need for change ever more apparant. You are absolutely right that we need to have better communication with each other and come together as a town. I would like to see many more fundraisers and many events to get everyone to socialize and get to know each other. I grew up in the city and to be honest I knew more about my neighbors on my street than I really know about my neighbors down here.
ReplyDeleteI want to go to a town meeting and feel like I am welcome there and have a real say in what the goals of the town really are.
I hope we can all come together for this election and bring the right folks to office and bring the town to the forefront and lose the bad reputation that we have.
Agreed, Maggie! Thank you for your response and I'm glad I'm not alone in my feelings. One of the best things about elections is the way they can rekindle feelings of optimism...and I have high hopes that we can make this an even better place to live. We all need to encourage our friends and families to vote and to believe that they can make positive change happen.
ReplyDeleteTake action against personal slurs, four letter words, an unsubstantiated accusations. The B-Blogger reminds all of its followers that they can report abuse to the B-Blogger directly and that the power of the Delete key will be utilized to eliminate these inappropriate words and remarks. Keep to the facts, feel free to post documents or provide links to documents or other source material but no personal attacks will be tolerated. This blog was created to create dialogue among neighbors, learn their opinions and share in their expertise. The goal is to bring this Town together and not tear it apart.
ReplyDeleteI moved to Betterton about 2 years ago, when my friends found out I was moving here they aked if I were nuts. They told me it had the highest water in te intire county. That the town council was doing nothing for the town. The only thing they were doing was rapping the town, to line their pockets. I don't believe the town council would do such a thing. But hte water bill is the highest I haxe ever seen of all the places I have lived. I hope with the election the water bill issue is one of the first things adressed.
ReplyDeleteThere is a new betterton blog.