Friday, July 30, 2010

Parties are a Poppin

As the Betterton Blogger had predicted the afternoon soiree (July 17th) hosted by Dames Pauline and Diane was a total success. However, what really impressed the B-Blogger was the way the neighborhood pitched in to set up tables, prepare some fabulous food and bring the party to a close with clean-up. B-town residents should be proud of this community spirit, now if we could only extend it to our Town Council.

The B-Blogger recently learned that the Dames have an invite list of over 300 people and crowd estimates had the final tally as close to 150. While most friends and neighbors departed at sunset, the Duke aka Dr. Mel, was seen burning the candle on Pauline and Diane's porch well into the night, he has such a gift for gab. Let's not forget the bonnets, while Lady Hollidge did not sport one of her beauties, there was a clear winner, of course it had to have come from Italy and while not PRADA, was both functional and fashionable. Do you know who wore this fabulous adornment? Check out the picture!

While Chelsea's wedding is taking center stage, the B-Blogger believes that this weekend's pool and barbecue at the home of the Bayside Doc's, Malcolm and Mark, will clearly make it to second place. Guests are expected from both North and South as well as the "hood." Rumors are that while Chelsea will be chasing people away the Docs will welcome all.

The B-Blogger's suspicions turned out to be true as well as some magnificent weather. The trio of Jean S., Wendy C and Barbara P. brought a handmade fruit salad that could feed 200. Other Bettertonians and outside guests stoked the food table with delicious desserts and salads. The Bayside Docs grilled up some burgers that garnered some unbelievable raves. Perhaps they should take over the site of Five Rivers Cafe? Truth be told the burgers were cooked by their Philadelphia friend Coop. There was considerable concern voiced by attendees over the fact that sister Hilary and brother-in- law Jon could not be present. After-all who was going to prepare the party's signature dish of Asian Salad? By the sunset there was pretty unanimous agreement that the Docs themselves seem to pull it all off despite the void created by Hilary and Jon.

Mama Shirley, another staple at this event was indeed present and while she didn't make her fabulous blueberry cheese cake, she kept very busy assuring all had name tags, including the Blogger. As the sun began to descend those present choired up with a happy birthday song as a surprise to Lady Hollidge and Doc Malcolm's boyhood friend Lew. It appears that Lew's birthday was October but the Docs got stuck on AMTRAK and never made it to the real event.

As the sun sets this evening its clearly time for the B-Blogger to close this post and await your comments. Remember it is you who will make this blog successful!

Friday, July 23, 2010

The Sun Sets With Sorrow on the Jewel

As the sun lowered its head the other evening it was paying respects to Mildred Soule, mother and grandmother to the Coslett Family. Mildred or "MeMA" as called by her grandchildren and great grandchildren was a lady of elegance, intelligence and style. She was a woman of goals and determination and joined the ranks of Rosa Alexander, Shirley Wohl Kram, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, and Sanda Day O'Connor in choosing a career in law despite the tremendous pressures of the day for women to stick to teaching and or nursing.

Mildred was a resident of Heron Point where up until a few weeks ago she was getting into her car to run errands, meet friends or give her opinion to those in need. The Betterton Blogger was fortunate enough to have spent time with this wonderful lady at Christmas dinner where she actively engaged in discussion and thought. I along with my readers extend our condolences to Wendy and her brother Jay along with their families. Mildred is survived by her brother.

Betterton Blog readers and followers are encouraged to leave their thoughts and prayers for Wendy, Jay and their families as "comments" to this post. Let us all join in celebrating her life as she joins the supreme court of the Heavens above.

Friday, July 16, 2010

When is Enough, Enough?

Did anyone see the Inquirer this week and the story about 85 Chihuahuas? The news reads:

"The discovery of two dead dogs complicates the legal case involving the hoarding of 85 live chihuahuas and chihuahua mixes at a South Philadelphia home.

Investigators are trying to determine if the dogs died of natural causes. If neglect or abuse was involved, the homeowner could face misdemeanor charges, according to Liz Williamson, spokeswoman for the Pennsylvania SPCA.

For each of the 85 living dogs, and two cats also found, a summary offense of unsanitary confinement could be charged, with a possible 90 days in jail and a $750 fine, Williamson said.

Lack of veterinary care, another potential charge for each dog, carries similar possible consequences, she said."

Of course this evokes sadness and dismay, but the real question is how many pets are too many whether they be dogs, guinea pigs, pot-bellied pigs and or our beloved cats. The research shows that many of the people that go overboard have really big hearts but they can't balance those hearts with their pocketbooks nor true nature of the animals being horded.

So what is your number and how should Betterton address this issue?

The Town's a Buzzin

Its Friday night and the sunset is at least 90 minutes away but the weekenders and regulars are swarming in. What a weekend it is planned to be; there is Sassfest on the Beach, The Kent County Fair and yes the Party that really kicks off the summer, that of Dames Pauline and Diane. Personally, I can't wait to see the bonnets that will be displayed while renewing old friendships and making new ones. Rumor has it that Cow Plop tickets are being devoured so if you're a person who likes to take their chances, make sure you get to the Betterton Firehouse for purchase. The odds are pretty good that the B Blogger will buy a spot or two.

With all the hooting and howling that will be going on this weekend make sure you get new converts to the Jewel's Blog. Don't forget to share any gossip with the Blogger as we all want to know, incidentally I'll be making my rounds at these events this weekend and will be keeping my eyes and ears open.

I'm hoping that my spouse will be able to join once he finishes tending to the sick and recently wounded.

Getting to and from the Jewel

Have you every invited friends or family for a visit only to find out that they don't have a car? Needless to say with the Blogger's affinity for the Big City, many invites have turned this way. So with the advent of the Chinese Bus and now Megabus and Boltbus hugging Route 95 as they shuttle people without cars and those that simply want to save our environment between Philadelphia and DC, the Betterton Blogger thought "why not alert these wonderful entities to the marvels of the Eastern Shore." So just last week, I emailed Boltbus with an idea: On Fridays and Sundays why not have one of your buses, going in each direction, divert its route from 95 to 301 and 213 with stops in Chestertown, Annapolis and then their regular end point?

To my surprise, and credit to Boltbus, they replied with the following:

Thanks for your email. We’re very aware of the Eastern Shore of Maryland and the many folks that travel out to the beach each weekend. Unfortunately all of our assets are fully deployed in our existing markets that we service and we do not anticipate acquiring any additional vehicles until after the next budget year. I’m very sorry but this is not a niche that we will be in a position to explore for at least the next year or two. I know that this isn’t the news that you wanted to hear from us, but we felt it was important to be honest with you in this matter than to place some false hope with you on this service. We appreciate your interest in Boltbus and wish you well in finding another carrier that can explore this service opportunity to the eastern shore.

Kindest regards,

Jim Austin
Sr. Manager-Customer Interfaces

Well the B Blogger was quite suprised with the rapid response but alas there is still no easy solution in getting your visitors without a car or boat. Any ideas, I'd love a hydrofoil. Have any of you readers done the Boston Provincetown Fast Ferries?

Sex in the City or Should It Be "Town"

The Betterton Blogger was recently contacted by one of our Town's lovely ladies to alert others about her problems with Atlantic Broadband. This lovely lady, who one might call seasoned, has been receiving pornographic emails. She complained to "Atlantic" with no results. Needless to say the only value to these unwanted solicitations is that her husband is much less likely to stray knowing that she is in such demand. She states that these invites have been from both men and women and is amazed after so many years that the men still have no idea how long six inches really is. Are other ladies or gents in the town facing the same dilemma? Can any of our readers offer suggestions ?

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Party Time in Betterton

July 4th kicked off party time in B-Town with Bayside Blvd celebrations. Parking is expected to be tight over the next several weekends, so why not share the parties you know of? Whose on the "A" list.

Checking in on your neighbors is a good thing when its done with good intentions, but some Bettertonians are snooping to just make trouble? What's your thought on this issue?

Friday, July 9, 2010

The Rain is Coming!

The little town of Betterton, on Maryland's Eastern Shore, is a wonderful mix of summer residents and year rounders who herald from Southeastern Pennsylvania and the Baltimore Washington area. While the sun is out and the views of the Chesapeake Bay and Sassafras river spectacular, the land is begging for the promised rain. Rain or not this hamlet is a little known gem that had its hay day in the 50's and is waiting for its re-emergence as a prime place to live and enjoy life. Stay tuned for the comings and goings of its politics, events, and people and feel free to share stories, comments and key events.

With our long time Mayor rumored to be stepping down, who will belly up to the Bar, something Betterton doesn't have, to run in the fall elections? We do, however, have a great site with direct views of the beach and Bay for an entrepreneurial restaurateur. The Betterton Blogger wants your rumors and thoughts. Need a cat or kitten, Betterton has the largest available population of these creatures in Kent County, ask any resident. Need some extra money, don't miss Betterton Day, the first Saturday in August and take your chances with Cow Plop Bingo while enjoying a parade, music, crab cakes and beer.

What would you think of a hydrofoil between Philadelphia, Betterton and Baltimore? A bit much, well how about Megabus or Bolt Bus service that stops in Chestertown?