Monday, December 27, 2010

Its Not About Naugthy or Nice but Stranded or Not

While some dreamed of a white Christmas B-Town was blessed with a shade of gray, a wisp of frigid wind and a field full of white geese doing their best to create an illusion of snow. To the Blogger's surprise many residents chose to travel to family and relatives outside the Jewel and leave our wonderful hamlet a bit desolate for those that remained. To top this off many that did leave have been unable to return as they are stranded in locations hit by this weekend's winter storm. The Blogger and family left on Sunday during the height of the storm to travel North to the City of Brotherly Love. While Dr. Mel reports that B-Town was spared any accumulation of white, the Blogger reports that they have 11.8 inches of white throughout Philadelphia as evidenced in the photo above.

City Council members want us to know of a good deed done by our water meter reader, who happened to notice icicles on the inside of a First Avenue home. She immediately contacted Councilman Zellers and with the aid of Karen Russo, the residents were notified of a massive water pipe burst within their home. While there was significant damage done, it could have been much worse if our meter reader had not acted as she did. We should all be grateful to those neighbors and friends who keep an eye out for the little clues that can catch a big problem. A word to the wise is that if you will be leaving your home, especially during these winter months, shut off your water or at least the valves that go to sinks and toilets as well as ask a neighbor to keep an eye open.

So what's your Christmas story and or adventure? Lets hear about it with a post below.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Tis the Season

While the sun was shedding its rays on the Jewel today the thermometer barely reached 40 degrees and this evening is expected to bring below freezing temperatures, so just in case you weren't aware winter is knocking at our door. For some the thought of cold is more than chilling but this holiday season offers warmth with friends, family, food and drink. While Christmas brings bells, holly and Santa, Chanukah brings the festival of lights and as last year's photo reminds us, Betterton is and will be a town of bells, holly and lights for all and if you listen closely perhaps you'll hear Santa's reindeer as they lite on our Community Center's roof, thank goodness its been repaired. Oh! have you seen the trees that have been planted around the Center thanks to the grant that Joe Stock helped us secure?

To get the holiday spirit into full bloom, the Blogger has decided to use this post as an opportunity to share good wishes and good food. So our readers are encouraged to post their good thoughts and hopes and offer up their favorite recipe. To get us started the Blogger wants to wish all his fellow Bettertonians much happiness and health in the coming year and may B-Town blossom in 2011.

Now here is the Blogger's favorite recipe for Latkes (pronounced LOT KA's), potato pancakes served during Chanukah.

6 Yukon Gold Potatoes ( about 2 lbs) peeled and halved
1-2 yellow onions (finely chopped)
2 large fresh eggs, lightly beaten
3 tablespoons of all purpose flower
1 teaspoon Kosher salt
1/4- 3/4 tsp of ground black pepper
Vegetable oil for frying, or if your arteries can take it, Chicken fat

Chop the potatoes in a food processor to a slightly lumpy slurry, or grate them by hand like my grandmother did. Use cheesecloth to drain the water from the potatoes, give them a good squeeze. Place the potatoes in a large mixing bowl and add the onion, eggs, flour, and seasoning. Mix well.
In a large fry pan heat about 1 inch of vegetable oil or chicken fat until it bubbles
Use about 1 tablespoon of the potato mixture for each pancake and cook a batch at a time depending on the size of your skillet. Cook the each latke for 2-3 minutes on each side until it browns. It is ok to flatten the latke as it cooks.
Drain the hot latkes on paper towels and then keep warm in the oven until ready to serve.

You can augment the latkes by adding applesauce or sour cream as a topping.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Thanksgiving Thoughts

Thanksgiving is a little over a week away and the Blogger would like to thank all of our readers for their participation and posts. Would also like to take this time of thanks and wish speedy recoveries to John McDougall and Mel Rapelyea. John took some nasty falls but thankfully is on the road to recovery with Jean at his side. Mel will start Thanksgiving week off, under the knife, as he has a shoulder repaired. Rumor has it that Mel plans to organize a softball team next Spring.

I think we all need to thank those Bettertonians who have devoted their time to volunteer activities both in B-Town and the County, as well as our City Council members and Mayor.

The blogger is off to Virginia to see parents who unfortunately are coming to the end of their days but I have to give thanks for the love and care they have given my sisters and me for so many years.

I have some suspicion that there are some B-Towners who may not have a place to go for Turkey and stuffing, so check on your neighbors and perhaps offer them a chair at your table or a dish at their door.

Speaking of sharing and giving, Ben Kohl recently surprised his amazing wife Kim with a 25th birthday gift of a trip to Vienna, where they will participate in the New Year's Waltz gala. Kim is looking for a floor length gown that won't take up much space in her luggage as they will be off to ski in the Alps the next morning. Any ideas or gowns to share? The Blogger hopes to post pictures of Kim and Ben counting 1,2,3; 1,2,3 as they glide across the floor. Who knows they may audition for "So You Think You Can Dance."

Millie Massey will be returning to the fold and staying a few days with Linda Hall, if you care to say hello.

This reminds me that Linda and Ken Warwick still have a few pieces of art that would make a great holiday gift, so give them a shout.

For those of you who asked when Chanukah is this year, its early and doesn't coincide with Christmas. It will be celebrated from the evening of Dec. 1st through the ninth.

Please share your thoughts on happenings and people that or who deserve thanks as a post below.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Volunteers Needed

Bettertonians it wasn't too long ago that there was much discussion over lack of awareness of volunteer opportunities in the Jewel, well the time has come to help out. Linda Hall has recently informed me that the BCDC needs people with a truck that can volunteer to transport the ARK to key events, such as the recent Downrigger weekend. We also need some younger volunteers who would be willing to help us establish a BCDC presence on Twitter and Facebook. There are lots more activities too that could use your help so remember that the BCDC meets on the third Thursday of every month, except on holidays. Contact Linda Hall, Judy Kohl and or Joan Zellers if you have interest. Remember that BCDC is all about improving the Jewel's appearance and fostering a positive environment.

Don't forget the speedo's and two pieces will be coming out of the closet for the last time this year at the Goose Bump Jump on Saturday the 13th at 11:00 AM. If you can't take the leap, then be there to shout the bathers on!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

So Much To Do, So Little Time

The B-Blogger just returned from Chestertown where the parking meters are already decorated for Halloween and the Sultana is readying for her down-rigging. If this is not enough Artworks begins its 2010 Studio Tour that happens both this weekend and the next. Don't forget to visit Ken Warwick's Betterton Studio on either of the weekends and Linda Hall's wonderful watercolors on the first November weekend. Let's not forget that the Betterton American Legion has their Halloween auction on Friday night October 29th.

On my way to Play It Again Sam's I stopped for my Washington Post at Scotty's where restaurant critic Miss Anna told the blogger that she was giving the Lemon Leaf Cafe a 4 out of 5 for their food and pricing, especially breakfast. Have you been? Share your thoughts with a post below.

There are great handouts from the Sultana and Artworks if you need event times and directions.

The weather is simply splendid for all these upcoming events. Let's not forget that today, October 28th is the final day for early voting at the Chestertown Library. The polls are open till 8pm tonight. If you miss it, you can always make your vote count on the official election day this coming Tuesday, November 2nd.

For those Betterton Blogger readers who can't make it down this weekend enjoy the following photos. Oh! Many B-Blog readers have asked for the anonymous option to be removed, so if you post you will need to "sign in" at the upper right corner of our blog. Signing in will allow you to use a pseudonym such a "foot warmer" or "sky diver" in place of your actual name.

Enjoy and don't forget the Goose Bump Jump at Betterton Beach is just around the corner. Stay tuned!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Great Weekend for a Stroll

Its hard to believe that a week has past since one of our nicest Fall weekends (Oct 16-17). The B-Blogger is late with this post but he has been in Texas learning new skills (Acupuncture). However, this post is about the beauty of our County and the many things to do. The sun rose on Saturday and the Chestertown Farmers Market was full of goodies from pumpkins to fresh breads and croissants. People strolled from one vendor to another as the Wildlife exhibit flew into action with carvers, artists and food. I never knew there were so many species of ducks and just as many talented carvers. Can someone explain to me the difference between a good decoy and a great one? There was also plenty for the kids to do including help build Wood Duck nesting boxes. The B-Blogger and his better half learned that these boxes, while ecologically correct, are often placed in incorrect surroundings such as the Betterton bluffs where they attract starlings & snakes rather than ducks and or Screech Owls.

For those looking for bargains, Galena offered two days of antique shopping where vendors offered their wares at 20-50% off. Galena's streets were packed with people as they strolled in and out of shops and up and down alleys filled with everything from bird houses to quilts and wagon wheels.

Galena owes a big thanks to Betterton residents Tom and Joanne Jewitt Hollidge for adding to the day's population as their friends and guests gathered at St. Dennis to celebrate the wedding of Joanne's daughter Melanie to Eric Army. Guests were dressed in their Sunday best and the B-Blogger learned that fun was had by one and all.

As the sun sets on this post, I hope you enjoy the attached photos and the special picture of Percy the possum, who Betterton residents said hasn't been seen in many years.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Betterton - The Community of Choice for HCP's?

As Mayor Sorge recently commented : "Betterton is a destination" but the real question is if Betterton is becoming the community of choice for health care providers (HCP) to live and enjoy life? Let's take a look at some of these life savers who give their time and efforts to keeping us healthy and administering to us when ill or hurt. We have nurse Christine Turner, respiratory therapist Joan Zellers, Drs., Mel and Mark and our most recent addition Dr. Keri Jacobs. Perhaps the BCDC could create a welcome basket for Dr. Jacobs? I encourage all the Jewel readers to wave hello if nothing else to Dr. J if you see her looking out at the Bay from the condos on Bayview. By the way, the B- Blogger has recently learned that Dr. Mel is celebrating his 40th this week, so perhaps a congrats on the firehouse display board would be a welcomed surprise. Speaking of our Betterton Volunteer Firemen and Emergency Response Team, they too are part of the HCP community. The B-Blogger encourages our readers to post comments on an HCP that you would like to recognize or one that the B-Blogger has missed. Let me not forget Dr. Joe Stock who worked diligently to secure a huge grant to support purchase and planting of trees in our community.

Speaking of health, keeping active and engaged mentally is a critical factor in maintaining your health. I would ask any of our readers who know of activities in Betterton and or Kent County that need support to post this information below.

In closing this post please put your hands together for Councilmen Bob Pyfer and Ed Zellers for rolling up their sleeves to personally power wash the Bayside foot bridge. It is almost a perfect white and ready to proudly display our holiday wreaths within the next few months. Physical exercise and community commitment, what a way to stay healthy! Thanks to you both.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Community Center Links Past with Future

While clouds lingered above, the official opening of Betterton's first community center brought smiles and warmth of conversation as neighbors and friends wandered through the new building, enjoyed music, cider and sweets. With the Town's elections over and the voters spoken, it is time to move from politics to action. The slide show that previewed inside the community center's meeting space reminded everyone of the vibrance that was once Betterton and more importantly a vision for tomorrow. Everyone admits there is work to be done, the ceiling has been raised and the only way to reach its new heights is by banding together as a community that is committed to a Better Betterton. It is time to temper the complaints and work towards solutions. It is our time for commitment, have an issue? Lets hear it but also if you raise it, you are also volunteering to work with Mayor and Council to bring about an equitable solution. It is our time to recognize and celebrate those neighbors that donate hours to Betterton and the surrounding communities, such as Karen Russo and Kent Kids, Linda Hall for BCDC, Joe Stock for securing grants to purchase trees for our public space and our volunteer firemen and women to mention just a few. It is time to congratulate and celebrate major family events such as the upcoming Hollidge nuptials. It is time to commit to Town Leadership and volunteer to work on projects and committees as well as breaking down all barriers to community involvement. BCDC and the Betterton Fire Company need to leverage the power of teamwork. We need to foster communications that lead to understanding. The B-Blogger has committed to help our new leadership communicate better and to that end hopes that you who read this blog will publicly commit to helping Council and Mayor in areas of interest and expertise. Let's applaud people like Bob Thomas who has bellied up to the bar and assumed the Chair of Zoning and Planning. As you contemplate your commitment to our wonderful town, enjoy a few pictures of our very own Community Center and its opening!