Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Great Debate - Betterton Town Council and Mayoral Candidates Speak to the People

The B-Blogger has recently learned from good sources, that once again Judy Kohl is working her magic and there will be a legitimate forum for all Betterton candidates to share the specifics of their vision for this wonderful community. Mark your calendars for Monday Sept 27th, more details to come. Oh, don't forget to wish Judy a Happy Birthday! It is her 40th!

It is up to you to assure your presence whether you are a registered voter or a part-time resident at this event! It's the B-Blogger's belief that only those candidates who show up and speak to their views deserve consideration for a vote. What do you think?

The Blogger has also learned that Council is trying to enhance their communications and your input is needed. Please provide the Town office with your email address so that you can receive minutes and other important information.


  1. Great to hear. It will be nice to hear things more directly. Ms. Maggie gets kudos for communicating directly on the BB's blog. It would be nice to see the others do the same.

    One subject that needs to be addressed is the Catholic Church/Community Center. I have heard directly and indirectly that all the new candidates opposed the purchase/conversion.

    I just don't get it? The CC and renovation were funded through grants (through a lot time and efforts of about 10 individuals) and should be self sustaining going forward. Why would we have not bought the church and created a community center? In addition we were able to preseve (in a hands down wonderful job) a small part of our towns history. Also, did we want to continue to run town goverment out of a trailer?

  2. Hopefully Terry can make the debate. He may be able to give some high level guidance on costs involved in starting and sustaining a town police force? toh has his pulse on the fire department. Hopefully he will tell us if they would be willing share space with the BPD?

  3. I was and still am not happy that the town spent money to buy a church. I understand there have been grants for the remoldel and I am very happy to see that, it certainly has saved the town some additional spending. I am very grateful that we have folks on the committee that have given their time to make sure it is what it is going to be, they deserve our praise that is for sure.
    I just hope going forward that we utilize the CC to the best of our ability and offer many opportunities for groups to meet there, classes in various topics to be offered and make the CC a place where we are just limited to town meetings as some have mentioned the CC being built for.
    I look forward to the forum but it is my hope that it does not turn into a venue to ridicule current council and mayor or those of the candidates. I don't believe that is why Ms. Judy organized and if anyone has any plans to conduct themselves in this manner than the only one's they will be hurting are themselves because the only thing anyone gets with hatred and contemp is the ability to hear. Focusing on this negative behaviour leaves no room for positive

  4. Yes, there will be a Candidates' Forum on Monday, September 27th at 7:00 p.m. at the Betterton Fire Hall. The Kent County League of Women Voters will organize and moderate the Forum, which will be run like all the League Forums in Kent County with timed portions. Each candidate will have a chance to introduce him or her self and respond to moderator and audience questions and then have time for a summary. The League does not take sides or support candidates in any way. Posters will be up soon. I hope that many will attend.

  5. maybe the mayors husband will still run over curbs when that pretty girl arrives back in town with that g-string she still hot after all these years betterton has changed in so many ways not too the good back stabbers nice to ur face but watch out for the pain when u turn ur backs step up a tell people to their face u all well most of u have a forked tongue

  6. u people need to gown up people in glass houses should not throw stones as most of u do but think urs do know wrong .Betterton was once a shore thing when Ms. Kitty was still with us she would tell you sure miss her every day,they where the good days Ms.Judy and Mr.Tom ,kay Becker,now it a sad place and come judgement day u will all have to answer,removing churches from Ericsson, buying them from main street WWJSay shame

  7. There is a new betterton blog.
