Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Where Have All The B-towners Gone?

This spring has been amazingly beautiful with its early arrival and some spectacular weekends.  According to KYW Radio, Philadelphia, Betterton is scheduled for a wonderful Memorial Day too.  But the real question is where have all the Bettertonian's gone?

It wasn't long ago that we had Town elections and the comments on our Blog were flying, everyone was getting a word in but alas that time has passed and it seems as if all of our readers have gone to sleep. Is it the Blogger?  Has he just gotten mundane and boring?  Is it your computer, its old and not working? 

As we prepare for the summer, let's get active!  What are you planning?  Having guests for the weekend?  Did you hear about the Jazz Festival? Did you know that the Chestertown Havurah is planning a Friday night service in August in B-town?  What day is Fig Fest? How are your tomatoes doing?  Got any juicy but polite gossip?  When is the Community Center's cross coming down and going into the museum? 

So here is the challenge, within the next seven days each of you should write a comment below, let's get going and Spring back into Action!  What's happening on Idylwild, Main and other streets? Perhaps the Mayor has some exciting updates?  What brings a smile to Annette Green's face?  Any great fig recipes?  Anyone seen a stray cat?