Saturday, August 14, 2010

For Whom The Bell Tolls

Today the 14th of August could not have been nicer, 80ish with just enough humidity to remind those who ventured out that summer in Kent County Maryland was far from over. Accompanying the wonderful weather was a line of cars winding their way into parking spaces throughout the Washington College campus. But no! this was not to see a sporting event or participate in a summer program, but rather to carry family,friends and neighbors from near and far to the memorial service for B-town resident and scholar Benjamin Gibbs Kohl Sr.

It is said that only our maker is perfect but this celebration of his life was as close to perfect as mortals can get. It was a symphony of verse, song and heartfelt feelings that filled the auditorium as individuals spoke of Ben's wisdom, sharp wit, love of history, literature, family and friends. Former students and faculty from both Vassar and Washington praised his ability to nurture those who shared his love for learning,research,and critical thinking. As those gathered listened to those who spoke, we learned that this entire event was scripted by Ben Sr. himself.

But why the title of this post, one might ask? The B-blogger learned just today that amidst all of his scholarship, philanthropy and guidance was a love for the sport of boxing. As with any champion boxer who goes down for the count for his last time, the bell rang ten times to remind those living beings and those above that Ben Gibbs Kohl Sr, a true champion, was leaving for the great archive in the sky.

The B-blogger encourages its readers to leave their thoughts for the Kohl family as a "post" below.


  1. Wonderful tribute to a life well lived. Ben touched so many lives and left a living legacy.

  2. The theme of the Memorial was hard work always, deliberate timeless research, extreme dedication, and charity as well as relative anonymity. In God's eyes these traits are those of a 'Successful' man. We only sream about getting half way there. I was so moved by it all and I'll be forever blessed for my friendship and association with Professor Ben Kohl. I am also grateful that he was such an inspiration for my Washington College graduate son. Ten full rounds and a sure 'knockout'

  3. Far from USA, I am moved by the description of the deeply felt ceremony in honor of Ben. And I'm impressed that he chose the texts, and the luncheon menu.
    I really like the image used by the B-Blogger, Ben is now leaving for the great archive in the sky. I never thought about the afterlife as a great place to collect records of everyone's life, and I like to think Ben among his favorite things: people, friends, studies, family, past and present.
    We will miss his warm human understanding and intelligence


  4. FYI

    Claudia is an archivist at the Archivio di Stato in Venice.
