If you are planning to run for Betterton City Council or Mayor, time is running short. Judy Kohl has said that all potential candidates need all of their paperwork into the Town office no later than 11:30 AM on September 1. The B-blogger has it from some very reliable sources that all present elected officials for whom their term expires will be running to maintain their positions on Betterton's City Council. The real question is do you care? Can you name all present sitting members of Betterton's City Council? Do you know their positions on present issues and their vision for Betterton in the future? Do you know which member of Council has repeatedly been sighted with a wardrobe malfunction? (Hint: it is not the Mayor).
The B-blogger is first to admit a huge deficit in understanding current Council member's vision for the future? I do want to know whether candidates have thought about this and what that vision entails. Sure everyone wants reduced taxes and more service, but get real people ! How is Betterton going to capitalize on planned expansion of Aberdeen? What type of business can be attracted to the Jewel that will create sustainability? Imagine a Betterton of the future, where Kent County residents and tenants can grab a quick breakfast before boarding an eco-friendly high speed ferry to Aberdeen, Wilmington, and Baltimore .
The B-Blogger suggests that we create our own League of Women Voters to hold at least one candidate debate to hear their plans if elected. Further, I would suggest that our panel of interviewers be Judy Kohl, Joanne Jewett and Mare Smith. Additionally, if any candidate would like to post their vision on the Betterton Blog just provide it directly to Councilman Zellers and he will get it to the B-Blogger. If nothing else, candidates should declare their goals with a "Post" below.
Elections are October 2nd at Town Hall, so make sure you register ASAP and cast your ballot for the future of this town, I know I will.