Friday, July 16, 2010

When is Enough, Enough?

Did anyone see the Inquirer this week and the story about 85 Chihuahuas? The news reads:

"The discovery of two dead dogs complicates the legal case involving the hoarding of 85 live chihuahuas and chihuahua mixes at a South Philadelphia home.

Investigators are trying to determine if the dogs died of natural causes. If neglect or abuse was involved, the homeowner could face misdemeanor charges, according to Liz Williamson, spokeswoman for the Pennsylvania SPCA.

For each of the 85 living dogs, and two cats also found, a summary offense of unsanitary confinement could be charged, with a possible 90 days in jail and a $750 fine, Williamson said.

Lack of veterinary care, another potential charge for each dog, carries similar possible consequences, she said."

Of course this evokes sadness and dismay, but the real question is how many pets are too many whether they be dogs, guinea pigs, pot-bellied pigs and or our beloved cats. The research shows that many of the people that go overboard have really big hearts but they can't balance those hearts with their pocketbooks nor true nature of the animals being horded.

So what is your number and how should Betterton address this issue?

1 comment:

  1. Maybe we go back to Bolt Bus with an economic appeal? Why doesn’t Bolt make their buses "pet friendly"? If so it might make a better business model that they can factor in their next budget cycle?

    Just think, the 85 Chihuahuas can come from Philly to Betterton for the festivities and the weekend party circuit? As the faithful readers of the JotC blog know the Philly Chihuahuas would also then have access to excellent healthcare options in Betterton and Kent County. The scores of Betterton cats can spend a historic weekend in Philadelphia and learn a thing or two from city cats about safely crossing streets? Unfortunately the Hydrofoil would not be an option for this as we all know how cats feel about sea spray. Thanks, Rocky the Rockfish
