Sunday, July 11, 2010

Party Time in Betterton

July 4th kicked off party time in B-Town with Bayside Blvd celebrations. Parking is expected to be tight over the next several weekends, so why not share the parties you know of? Whose on the "A" list.

Checking in on your neighbors is a good thing when its done with good intentions, but some Bettertonians are snooping to just make trouble? What's your thought on this issue?


  1. My life seems to be on the "D" list - maybe because I'm not an official Betterton resident??

  2. Snoopers, in our bucolic paradise by the Bay?? We learned in kindergarden not to tattle on our neighbors. If this is so the list keeper needs to move to them to the "F" list......

  3. So I saw where Galena uses Waste Management for their recycling program. Does anyone know if Betterton explored this option before signing on with Infinity? The best part of the Galena program is it is single stream!! It also costs about 30% less and they give you a LARGE bucket. The only downside I could tell was it was every other week which does not sound as big of a deal as having single stream. Happy recycling, Sookie

  4. Sookie I'm right there with you on single stream recycle. I've spoken with some on our City Council and seems there were some significant cost benefits to B-Town with Infinity. Our recycling got picked up this week for the first time only downside besides the extra work in sorting was that Infinity ran off with our extra bucket, I thought you could use your own bucket, was I misled?
