Clearly these are not Betterton residents nor does the Jewel have any elected members of Town Council who are parading their anatomy through the internet via email, tweets or Facebook. However, the recent stories on Representative Weiner should serve as a note of caution to all, that what you say, do and or post should always be considered as front page headlines whether the Washington Post, New York Times or Kent County News. So beware what you write. The biggest caution is for those who do not or rarely use the internet as a form of communication, you may think you are protected but when truth be told, your comments, pictures and or beliefs can indeed go viral through organizations and or friends with whom you speak, write and or support. Hand written notes, checks, and even home videos can easily be put out for the world to see without any advance notice. One recommended precaution that can be taken is to simply "Google" your name at least once a quarter and see what comes up, you might be very surprised! If you know a B-town resident who doesn't use a computer or have access to the internet, you should offer to "Google" them if they agree. Remember a local traffic ticket can easily be found on the internet. If you do own a computer don't forget to purchase security software to minimize the chance that someone can access all your information and that of your friends.
Speaking of weiner roasts , the B-blogger has learned that this summer is once again slated for many gatherings and festivities, not the least of which will include Betterton Day and the annual Betterton Fig Fest. However, only 3 individuals have responded to the B-blogger's inquiry as to whom will be having floats on Betterton Day. With all the artists, craftsmen/women and other talented folk, we need to bring back the parade of floats or get them from the outside.
The B-blogger knows that some of our followers have been sleeping a bit and not been offering any comments to the posts below, so now is the time to hop back in the saddle and offer up your thoughts, ideas and gossip. Don't forget this coming Wednesday for the Town Hall on the Waste Water Treatment Plant and its new beginnings. What's up with lawn recycling? I thought it was happening twice a month but many residents, including the B-Blogger placed their compostables appropriately, yet they are still sitting there.
you are right B-Blogger, we all neeed to be reporting and adding to the blog! Does anyone know when the new resturant is opening???? Are we getting life guards at the beach this year? and how was Venice?
ReplyDeleteJust heard from Mayor Sorge, Lawn Waste pickup up is on the second and 4th Monday's of the month through the end of June. The B-Blogger got confused as this Month the first Monday did not coincide with the first week of the month.
ReplyDeleteGot some ideas for the Betterton Day parade.How about a parade of the "Hounds of the Jewel" and we could have Tinkerbele Coslett as the Leader of the Pack? What about a Mayor and Council Float? We've got some very talented gardeners so why not a float of blooms? Let's hear other thoughts and ideas