Friday, April 15, 2011

Talk About Political Spin

The B-blogger just received a legislative update from our Maryland State Delegate Michael D. Smigel.  He is very proud of being elected to head the Maryland House of Delegates' Tea Party Caucus.  However, what caught my eye was his proud sponsorship of House Bill 9 " which would allow law abiding citizens from Maryland's contiguous  states to carry their concealed weapons in our state if they have a vaild permit from their home State." But here is the "spin": "By not recognizing permits from other states we are losing revenue from tourism and shopping because citizens are unwilling to travel here without their concealed weapons for protection."  Can you believe this statement?  Is Maryland a dangerous state?  Do you really think that people aren't shopping at Peoples because they can't carry their concealed weapon?  I may not be the brightest bulb in the Jewel but I can think of a lot of other ways we can boost tourism and shopping in Maryland.

If building State revenue from tourism and shopping is truly a goal of our delegate, than why didn't he step up to the plate and co-sponsor the bill to allow gay and lesbian couples to marry.  Massachusetts, New York, Iowa and other states are taking in millions from weddings and tourism since they passed this law.

The B-blogger would love to hear your comments as a post-below. Just for the record the B-blogger is not against hunting, in fact I believe it is a necessity to control populations of deer and other wild animals that are multiplying at phenomenal rates and or spreading disease such as Lyme, Rabies, Leptospirosis to name a few.  So what say you Bettertonians?

Oh! Don't forget this coming Monday is not only the start of Passover but the day you must file your tax returns.

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