While some dreamed of a white Christmas B-Town was blessed with a shade of gray, a wisp of frigid wind and a field full of white geese doing their best to create an illusion of snow. To the Blogger's surprise many residents chose to travel to family and relatives outside the Jewel and leave our wonderful hamlet a bit desolate for those that remained. To top this off many that did leave have been unable to return as they are stranded in locations hit by this weekend's winter storm. The Blogger and family left on Sunday during the height of the storm to travel North to the City of Brotherly Love. While Dr. Mel reports that B-Town was spared any accumulation of white, the Blogger reports that they have 11.8 inches of white throughout Philadelphia as evidenced in the photo above.
City Council members want us to know of a good deed done by our water meter reader, who happened to notice icicles on the inside of a First Avenue home. She immediately contacted Councilman Zellers and with the aid of Karen Russo, the residents were notified of a massive water pipe burst within their home. While there was significant damage done, it could have been much worse if our meter reader had not acted as she did. We should all be grateful to those neighbors and friends who keep an eye out for the little clues that can catch a big problem. A word to the wise is that if you will be leaving your home, especially during these winter months, shut off your water or at least the valves that go to sinks and toilets as well as ask a neighbor to keep an eye open.
So what's your Christmas story and or adventure? Lets hear about it with a post below.