The B-Blogger just returned from Chestertown where the parking meters are already decorated for Halloween and the Sultana is readying for her down-rigging. If this is not enough Artworks begins its 2010 Studio Tour that happens both this weekend and the next. Don't forget to visit Ken Warwick's Betterton Studio on either of the weekends and Linda Hall's wonderful watercolors on the first November weekend. Let's not forget that the Betterton American Legion has their Halloween auction on Friday night October 29th.
On my way to Play It Again Sam's I stopped for my Washington Post at Scotty's where restaurant critic Miss Anna told the blogger that she was giving the Lemon Leaf Cafe a 4 out of 5 for their food and pricing, especially breakfast. Have you been? Share your thoughts with a post below.
There are great handouts from the Sultana and Artworks if you need event times and directions.
The weather is simply splendid for all these upcoming events. Let's not forget that today, October 28th is the final day for early voting at the Chestertown Library. The polls are open till 8pm tonight. If you miss it, you can always make your vote count on the official election day this coming Tuesday, November 2nd.
For those Betterton Blogger readers who can't make it down this weekend enjoy the following photos. Oh! Many B-Blog readers have asked for the anonymous option to be removed, so if you post you will need to "sign in" at the upper right corner of our blog. Signing in will allow you to use a pseudonym such a "foot warmer" or "sky diver" in place of your actual name.
Enjoy and don't forget the Goose Bump Jump at Betterton Beach is just around the corner. Stay tuned!