Betterton's first ever League of Women Voters' Candidate Forum was a big success. Residents both part and full-time came by car, foot and cycle to hear the candidates speak. With the able guidance of the League's facilitator, Margie Elsberg, questions and answers were all presented in a civil and informative way. The Kent County News was duly present with camera man. About the only downside was that none of the non-incumbents bothered to either show up and face their opponents or provide position statements. Are these the type of individuals you want to lead our town's government? You know the B-Blogger's opinion but what is yours?
The major issues discussed were those of the water/sewage treatment plant upgrades, the candidates vision for the future and the potential for a police force. It was very clear that each of the three incumbents are committed and passionate about Betterton. Probably most earth shattering was the necessity due to State mandates for the water/sewage treatment plant upgrades which will be in the neighborhood of 5 million dollars. This is a big number that must be met within the next 5 years or our town will suffer penalties of 2500 dollars a day and no ability to dispose of the waste. In addition, Kent County could take over control and then our residents can expect significant increases in their water and sewage bills, far in excess of present numbers. Mayor Sorge assured residents that she and Council are working diligently on securing grants to assist with this 5 million need and at present we are considered to be well on our way to secure some.
It was very clear that a town police force will not happen due to the enormous expense burden and our very low crime rate in comparison to neighboring villages and towns. Councilman Sutton pointed out that several years ago a Town Watch was attempted, but only two people bothered to show up for the training. People of Betterton need to play a more active role in their town's business, programs and government was a clear undertone to the forum. The candidates all pointed out that actions can only take place when people work together, create options and implement those with the greatest chance for success. This cannot be accomplished by Mayor and Council alone. If you see an opportunity or challenge, we the residents must be willing to step up to the bar, discuss it and propose and then work on the viable options for success. The candidates pointed out that there are only a handful of Betterton neighbors who will role up their sleeves and commit to volunteering on a committee or project team. Yet, we have as the Mayor pointed out a very diverse and knowledgeable population that needs to be harnessed for the betterment of this town.
Constituents asked about local business attraction and enhanced communication with all who live here. These of course are favorite topics of the B-Blogger. Candidates pointed to the fact that Betterton is a destination not a hot spot and people have to come here on their own volition. The town's population cannot support local businesses as clearly seen by the failure of our restaurants on the beach. The B-blogger asked what efforts are being made to advance awareness of our wonderful town and bring the people that will support local business. Alas, this was a weak spot as there is no active solicitation nor promotion of the town beyond the efforts of the BCDC. Would you be willing to put in time and effort with the BCDC or a committee established by Council to make this change happen?
What about a website for the town's people? Indeed this is on the way but no launch date is set. Here again the challenge will be to maintain the website, are you willing to write and edit articles? Perhaps we could highlight those non elected residents and neighbors who are rolling up their sleeves for the betterment of the town. The B-blogger believes we need a communications committee established by Mayor and Council to work with all town entities to promote events and opportunities. The B-blogger is ready to role up my sleeves, are you?
The forum was brought to a close a little bit beyond 8 PM with a reminder that your vote counts and next Saturday, October 2, is our day of reckoning when you will make the difference in where we go from here. Remember Betterton is the place where one vote can make a difference, so be there.

Betterton Maryland is indeed the Jewel of the Chesapeake, stay tuned for issues that impact its residents and those that visit We encourage all of our readers to provide their insights and comments on any and all posts. Remember you will need to "sign in" first by clicking on the upper right corner of the blog where it says "sign in".
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Get Out the Candidates
In a little over 24 hours residents, neighbors and friends will be at our FIRST EVER League of Women Voters Candidate Forum. Word on the street is that people want to know what the candidates think but others have let the B-Blogger know that while the residents will be there some of the candidates may not. I know Mayor Sorge will be there as well as Maggie Patterson, but what of the others? Can you vote for someone whose vision and solutions are not being voiced?
I encourage all who read this blog to contact the candidates you know and let them know the citizens of Betterton want to hear what they have to say, so alter your evening and be there.
The B-Blogger has changed plans and will be present, will you?
I encourage all who read this blog to contact the candidates you know and let them know the citizens of Betterton want to hear what they have to say, so alter your evening and be there.
The B-Blogger has changed plans and will be present, will you?
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Respect the Blog and Your Neighbors
The Jewel of the Chesapeake was designed as a communication tool to foster camaraderie among neighbors as well as discuss events, celebrations and challenges facing Betterton. Part of this goal has been reached as more and more individuals are logging on to learn what is going on, when and where. Additionally, readers are expressing their opinions on a broad scope of topics from fig recipes to the town's future and upcoming elections. However, the B-Blogger is disappointed in a minority of Blog commenters who have used our Blog, indeed it belongs to all those who live or visit The Jewel, to defame others and or make unsubstantiated statements. It is perfectly fine to state that you don't have the facts on an issue and really need to know or that you have the following facts and wondered why a decision may have been taken that seems contrary to the information that you have just shared, but participants should not lay blame, defame or publicly embarrass others with this blog.
Please note that the B-Blogger will personally and permanently delete comments considered inappropriate and will respond rapidly to those who report through the "Report Abuse" tab on the upper left corner of the Blog.
The use of the "Anonymous" sign in has been designed for those readers and viewers who are first time visitors to this Blog or Blogs in general. However, as the goal of "The Jewel of the Chesapeake" is to foster dialogue and enhance neighbor awareness, please log in with an account name, the actual name that appears on the blog can be your own or a stage name. This requirement will allow readers to differentiate comments to a post and have a better understanding as to the weight of an issue, e.g. are there 25 people who believe the town's emblem should be updated or is this one person stating the same thing 25 times.
Remember: Courtesy, Honesty and Open Dialogue bring people together and move issues forward.
Please note that the B-Blogger will personally and permanently delete comments considered inappropriate and will respond rapidly to those who report through the "Report Abuse" tab on the upper left corner of the Blog.
The use of the "Anonymous" sign in has been designed for those readers and viewers who are first time visitors to this Blog or Blogs in general. However, as the goal of "The Jewel of the Chesapeake" is to foster dialogue and enhance neighbor awareness, please log in with an account name, the actual name that appears on the blog can be your own or a stage name. This requirement will allow readers to differentiate comments to a post and have a better understanding as to the weight of an issue, e.g. are there 25 people who believe the town's emblem should be updated or is this one person stating the same thing 25 times.
Remember: Courtesy, Honesty and Open Dialogue bring people together and move issues forward.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Be There or Forever Hold Your Tongue

The Kent County League of Women voters will hold the first ever candidate forum for Betterton Council and Mayor on Monday evening 7:00 PM, September 27th, 2010 at the Betterton Firehouse. Whether you are happy with town government or frustrated with it, this is your time to hear from the candidates as they vie for seats of leadership. Not a full time Betterton resident, doesn't make a difference , you should attend. Non voter residents can play a major role in promoting the candidate of their choice to those who can visit the ballot box. But supporting and or voting for a candidate requires a thorough understanding of what these candidates see as the future of the Jewel.. The B-blogger will be there listening, learning, and taking note of those who dare to care.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
The Great Debate - Betterton Town Council and Mayoral Candidates Speak to the People
The B-Blogger has recently learned from good sources, that once again Judy Kohl is working her magic and there will be a legitimate forum for all Betterton candidates to share the specifics of their vision for this wonderful community. Mark your calendars for Monday Sept 27th, more details to come. Oh, don't forget to wish Judy a Happy Birthday! It is her 40th!
It is up to you to assure your presence whether you are a registered voter or a part-time resident at this event! It's the B-Blogger's belief that only those candidates who show up and speak to their views deserve consideration for a vote. What do you think?
The Blogger has also learned that Council is trying to enhance their communications and your input is needed. Please provide the Town office with your email address so that you can receive minutes and other important information.
It is up to you to assure your presence whether you are a registered voter or a part-time resident at this event! It's the B-Blogger's belief that only those candidates who show up and speak to their views deserve consideration for a vote. What do you think?
The Blogger has also learned that Council is trying to enhance their communications and your input is needed. Please provide the Town office with your email address so that you can receive minutes and other important information.
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