Betterton Maryland is indeed the Jewel of the Chesapeake, stay tuned for issues that impact its residents and those that visit We encourage all of our readers to provide their insights and comments on any and all posts. Remember you will need to "sign in" first by clicking on the upper right corner of the blog where it says "sign in".
Friday, September 6, 2013
A Pajama Party and More says Impresario and Jazz Festival promoter Mel Rapelyea
Tonight's the night as the rocket shall roar off its launch pad says Dr. Mel also known as the Duke of Betterton and most recently the Impresario. Make sure to take a nap so you can look up at the heavens and see the NASA rocket go through its stages beginning at 11:27 PM tonight. For more insights on this event see the previous blog post. Don't plan on getting too much sleep, however, as at 10:30 am Wilmer Park will open to kick off the Jazz Festival with the Chestertown River Arts' annual Art in the Park and at 11:30 am the "100 Voice Choir of Kent County" will entertain with gospel music. Starting at 3:15 pm the headliners will appear including Sue Matthews and Cyrus Chestnut. Remember to leave your animal companions at home, as pets will be restricted from Wilmer Park during the festival hours. On Sunday, if the horns, drums and piano's have saturated your senses, go for some nature at Priapi Gardens Open from 10 am - 3 pm. While the Jazz festival tickets are $25.00/pp, Priapi is free and their plants will all be buy one get one free. Don't forget your smart phones and or camera's and post your favorite pictures on the Blog.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
The Jewel Has It's Own Diana Nyad
Cuba to Florida is an amazing accomplishment and shows how true grit, determination, and living your dream propelled Diana Nyad through those rough and dangerous waters. See this lady at the finish line . What most people don't know is that one of the Jewel's very own Anthony McCarley of Crew's Landing just swam the English Channel at age 59. Like Diana this was a dream come true for Anthony and one that the Blogger thinks the town should celebrate, perhaps as Guest of Honor at next year's Betterton Day! Check out Anthony's amazing 13 hour 29 minute journey at Anthony's Challenge. If you have ideas as to how best to recognize Anthony and his feat post it on the blog.
Monday, September 2, 2013
Fig Fest -Simply Fabulous
For the fourth year in a row the team of Palmer and Coslett have orchestrated what turned out to be another great Betterton event this past Saturday, August 31st. Despite the fact that the event was postponed one week due to a late fig crop and harvest; neighbors, friends and family gathered at the east end of Bayside Boulevard to show off their unique fig creations and then consume all that was there. "Figitini" anyone! Guaranteed to take your worries away and support colon health according to Palmer's daughter and creator of this cocktail. This year's winners included Kim Kohl with a "First Place for her Fig Sliders and Best Junior Chef for yet another year, Doyle DiStefano. When Doyle was queried as to his thoughts on success, he looked to his Dad, Brian, and Mom, Maureen. Rumors have it that Doyle enjoys cooking as much as sports. Both Barbara P and Wendy C attribute the success of this year's event to the tremendous support both creators got from the Betterton community. People were there for the set-up, helped with serving food and drink, and most importantly showed up Sunday morning to help with final clean up. Barbara and Wendy believe that this event has immense potential to grow as a fun filled day for all who attend and a great way to raise dollars for the Betterton Community Development Corporation that keeps the "Jewel" glowing. This being said both Barbara and Wendy are exhausted and really believe it is time for other Bettertonians to step up to the plate as organizers. Planning for next year's event needs to start now says Coslett, who is more than happy to help but doesn't want to be at the lead. Barbara said the only downside to this year's event was when Tinkerbelle Coslett morphed into Cujo and attacked some friendly canines who came as the sun began its fall below the horizon. Barbara does promise that if Tinkerbelle doesn't get some manners, then next year she will ask some of her Chilean relatives and friends for some Fig Stuffed Chihuahua recipes. I'd be scared Tinkerbelle, if I were you ! Barbara is not known for idle threats.
The Blogger has learned that our Waste Water Treatment Plant had one of its heaviest usage days this past Sunday. Can anyone figure out why? If you can't go eat another fig or two. Now enjoy the photos below by clicking on the link titled Fig Fest 2013. You will be asked to sign into Snapfish but no purchases will be required.
The Blogger has learned that our Waste Water Treatment Plant had one of its heaviest usage days this past Sunday. Can anyone figure out why? If you can't go eat another fig or two. Now enjoy the photos below by clicking on the link titled Fig Fest 2013. You will be asked to sign into Snapfish but no purchases will be required.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
The Rockets Red Glare!

The mission represents a number of firsts, including:
- First launch of the Minotaur V configuration
- First five-stage vehicle flown by Orbital
- First Peacekeeper-based vehicle launched from Wallops Flight Facility
- First Lunar mission flown by Orbital
- First Lunar mission flown from Wallops
For more information go to Minotaur V Launch . For those who can't get out at that time you can follow it on USTREAM on your laptop, tablet or other computer.
This launch is not the only unique event that will happen this fall. This November will align our Thanksgiving Day holiday with the start of the Jewish celebration of Chanukah. The celebration of Chanukah is based on the Hebrew calendar while Thanksgiving is determined on the Gregorian calendar. This alignment occurs about ever 100 years so this experience will be a once in a lifetime event for most people living today. Therefore if you will be at the Thanksgiving Day meal with relatives, friends and or neighbors who are Jewish don't forget to wish them a Happy Chanukah. Don't forget to send those Chanukah greeting cards out early rather than the usual Christmas accompaniment.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Let's Get Regular Together
The official word is out, FIG FEST 2013 is a GO! It's only a week away so unearth your favorite fig recipe, turn on the grill or stove and get cooking! Check out the information below.
Your $5 donation benefits BCDC and gives you voting rights to
determine the best fig dish
Prizes will be awarded for the best dishes
Fabulous New Items for Purchase
Fig or figless – the party will go on!! If we are figless, it will be potluck
Attire: Please wear more than a fig leaf!
Heavy rain cancels the event – a little drizzle never hurt anyone
Fig Festival
Saturday, August 31st
4:00 pm
(at the corner of Park & Bayside)
determine the best fig dish
Prizes will be awarded for the best dishes
Fabulous New Items for Purchase
- Market Baskets Stadium Blanket Drink Cozies
- Apron Boat Bags (limited supply) Stationary Cards
- Fig Chutney Fig Festival Cookbook
If you wish to enter your dish for a prize, remember to bring a label for your epicurean delight as well as a written recipe
Attire: Please wear more than a fig leaf!
Heavy rain cancels the event – a little drizzle never hurt anyone
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Barbara?
The figs they are! As Barbara Palma , co-creator of Betterton's own Fig Fest, surveyed the town's trees and their fig production she feared for this year's Fest. She declared "there are lots of figs but they're tiny in comparison to this year's Spring's crop and they are far from ripe!" Palma consulted with her partner Wendell and made the executive decision to delay this year's Fig Fest by one week, so that it will now occur on Saturday August 31st. The figs must have paid heed as suddenly they have started to ripen. (check out the photos).
What to do: rotate the crops because the spores can live a whole year in the soil. Sanitation is very important, remove all debris from your garden bed as the fungus overwinters in the debris. Space plants farther apart to improve air circulation. Avoid overhead watering, the disease spreads in water. A mulch like straw will help prevent the spores from splashing up. Remove any infected plants by bagging them up in plastic bag, and throw out. Do not compost or throw the plant or debris in the woods as this will allow the spores to stick around. Keep your plants healthy. A fungicide may help prevent the spread; check with your county extension for recommendations in your area.
The Lizzano, Mountain Magic and Sweetheart of the Patio tomato varieties are resistant to the blight.
For more information on Fig Fest 2014 contact Barbara at knitnteach @gmail.com.
In addition to the Figs misbehaving Kent County tomato growers are all seeing Fall Blight sacrifice their plants, with little hope for recovery. According to Burpee's customer service personnel, there is little to do to stop this once it starts. The late tomato blight is caused by Phytophthora infestans , it has been around
a long time and is the same disease that caused the Irish potato famine in the
1800. It is spread by the air, land, on infected plants and water on the leaves.
Wet-looking spots start on the leaf edge and spread inward and spots soon turn
black and leathery. Late blight attacks fruit and causes large, firm brown
What to do: rotate the crops because the spores can live a whole year in the soil. Sanitation is very important, remove all debris from your garden bed as the fungus overwinters in the debris. Space plants farther apart to improve air circulation. Avoid overhead watering, the disease spreads in water. A mulch like straw will help prevent the spores from splashing up. Remove any infected plants by bagging them up in plastic bag, and throw out. Do not compost or throw the plant or debris in the woods as this will allow the spores to stick around. Keep your plants healthy. A fungicide may help prevent the spread; check with your county extension for recommendations in your area.
The Lizzano, Mountain Magic and Sweetheart of the Patio tomato varieties are resistant to the blight.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Marzella's or DiGiorno?
After the last post about our Thursday night community dinners the population on Thursdays has increased tremendously. In fact last Thursday some late comers were without food. Christa and Harry are thrilled with the numbers showing up for this great event but they really need headcounts to assure everyone has what they want. So here are some suggestions: If you have responded to Christa to alert her to your attendance please do so at mar.seas@gmail.com. ASAP. Give Marzella's a call today and let them know you will be coming and what you might want for dinner tomorrow. This way if you do come a bit late your meal will still be there. If this isn't possible then the B-Blogger would suggest that you stop on your way and pick up a DiGiorno frozen pizza and simply ask Frank or Maureen to warm it up. Keep the crowds coming!
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Don't Rain on My Parade
As fireworks burst from the eastside of town at 3:00 AM this morning , others were quietly working on last minute tweaks to their floats for the annual Betterton Day Parade. This year unlike many of the past, clouds loomed as runners gathered to kick off the day with a 5 K run. It was barely a little past 8 AM when a well muscled and oiled young man led the pack down Park to Bayside Boulevard whizzing by Betterton's award winning Unique Bayside Doc's Babka. The amazing white poodle was not to be upstaged, although prohibited to enter the 5K, he hit the pavement hard to stay on the heels of the front runner until the Boulevard's foot bridge. Boulevard residents were out in droves to support the "B" and the runners that followed. As runners caught their breath and re-hydrated; friends, relatives and neighbors within the Jewel and from afar gathered along Main street and the beach to await the start of our Annual Parade. While raindrops fell the crowd continued to gather with chairs, bikes, grand-kids and pets. As per usual the 10 AM start was delayed but worth the wait. The parade of fire trucks from various locales seemed endless and inspiring, this year coming from both Maryland and Delaware. Of course, our Mayor Carolyn Sorge, was just behind the front-line color guard and sported one of her wonderful bonnets. Kent County's Band with Mark Mumford in the lead provided some great marching music that flipped all spirits to the positive despite the ominous cloud cover. This year's parade rekindled floats from streets, families and locales that bolstered its success. As the clouds dissipated and the sun came out parade participators and onlookers began their walk through the vendor collection on the Beach. As the B-blogger collected thoughts from the beach crowd, comments were disappointing and included concerns as to why the Fish Fry people were not here? The vendors seemed less diverse and purchase were therefore diminished. The most frequent feedback was "Can you believe the beer mugs are $7.00?" However, everyone loved the parade! For those who were there and those who weren't go relive today's parade by clicking on to the following links:
Don't Rain on My Parade (Music)
Pictures of the Parade ( you will need to sign in, no cost involved)
Pictures of the Parade ( you will need to sign in, no cost involved)
Monday, July 29, 2013
Surprise At Sunset
On the eve of Sunday July 28th during a beautiful sunset the B-Blogger was called to attention by former Councilman Ed Zellers a.k.a. "eagle eyes Ed" when he said "is that a car in the water?" The Blogger believes that the former councilman must be telepathic because as many of the sunset watchers flocked to the beach and the boat put-in, the sirens rang and our very own Betterton Volunteer Fire Company arrived. Our divers waded out into the water where this car had landed and immediately tended to the driver who appeared alive and frightened. The B-Blogger was close enough to hear our volunteers assure the driver that they would get her out safely and as the water's depth was only 4 feet she should have no fear of drowning. Just makes you proud to see their professionalism and expertise at work. If you weren't on the scene last night check out the photos below. (Please note any use of these photos does require the permission of the B-Blogger).
While fire rescue was able to get the driver out safely and she appeared to be the only person in the car the how and why of this bizarre incident is yet unknown to the B-Blogger. Any B-Towners who do have more information are welcomed to add this to the comment section. Please avoid using the name of the driver and advise us of the information source
While fire rescue was able to get the driver out safely and she appeared to be the only person in the car the how and why of this bizarre incident is yet unknown to the B-Blogger. Any B-Towners who do have more information are welcomed to add this to the comment section. Please avoid using the name of the driver and advise us of the information source
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Is Betterton Sleeping?
Is it really true that Bettertonians are afraid to voice their opinions? As the Blogger visits with residents and neighbors many ask why aren't there more postings on the Blog? Well the purpose of the Blog is to encourage dialogue (Civil that is!) amongst those who live and care about the Jewel. I often hear complaints about Council and their actions or the BCDC and even our volunteer fire department but change cannot happen unless people speak up. This Blog is configured to enable comments but all comments are reviewed for civility of language before they get posted. You also can post as anonymous although that isn't encouraged. Open dialogue and discussion is the basis for improvement and growth and while many of us, including the B-Blogger, are part of the Baby Boomer generation there are many others who are not. Opinions of generations differ as do those of race, gender, ethnicity and sexual orientation but open discussion breeds a better environment for us to live in and grow. So let's start talking! Christa and Harry remind all that you are welcome this coming Thursday evening at 6 PM to join neighbors for lively dialogue at Marzella's at the Bay while enjoying some great food (purchased on your own). Perhaps you'll come up with some great topics for discussions on future blog posts as well as meet new people and or neighbors you have never met. It is time to wake up and smell the coffee!
Thursday, July 18, 2013
With Betterton Day's Theme being "B-Town Now and Then" the B-Blogger couldn't think of a more appropriate way then bringing back that great song "Temperature Rising" by Martha & the Vandella's to share the news from Kristin McMenamin , our emergency preparedness planner from the Kent County Office of Emergency Services. Over the next several days temperatures are expected to climb way beyond the usual. In fact today the thermometer may reach 113 degrees and Friday and Saturday at 107 and 101 degrees respectively. It isn't until Sunday that more reasonable temperatures will prevail. Kristin wants all residents and guests of the Jewel of the Chesapeake to make plans and be prepared. Ask yourself where can I go to cool off? What will I do if the power grid goes and those who have air conditioning suddenly don't? What about any animals or pets that I have? What about my neighbors who may have asthma, heart disease or just aren't as young as they used to be? These questions and many more can be addressed by the Office of Emergency Services. Contact the Betterton Town Office today and tomorrow for helpful tips and recommendations or call the Office of Emergency Services at 410 778-7472. Stay comfortable and be safe!
Enjoy the days of old by clicking on Martha and the Vandella's, then click on the arrow in the center of the black screen that will pop up! Don't forget to turn your computer's volume on and up.
Enjoy the days of old by clicking on Martha and the Vandella's, then click on the arrow in the center of the black screen that will pop up! Don't forget to turn your computer's volume on and up.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Thursday Night is Community Night in Betterton
While the word is spreading the B-blogger didn't want any of our residents to miss out on some great opportunities to meet with your neighbors, get to know new friends and learn about what's top of mind in our little hamlet by the Bay. This Thursday July 18th, starting at about 6 pm, B-towners will gather at Marzella's by the Bay. The company and camaraderie is free but you do have to foot your own meal cost, a bargain at Marzella's. Additionally you can learn the challenges of running a pizza parlor from Maureen as she recounts the trials and tribulations of running Marzella's at Ursinus College where she and Francis got their start. If you are planning on attending please RSVP to Christa at mar.seas @gmail.com to assure that Francis and Maureen have enough food for all. You are welcome to bring your own wine if you should choose or purchase one of Marzella's beer offerings. On your way in see if you can catch the spelling error on their sign. If you haven't had their tossed green salad with chicken it is indeed delicious and healthy with more than enough to share with the person sitting next to you.
Click here for more information: Marzella's by the Bay
Click here for more information: Marzella's by the Bay
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Butterflies are Back
For those in B-town especially with Butterfly Bushes , it was a grand time this weekend to catch photos of these grand and delicate creatures. It was also time to harvest your first tomato, squash or fig thanks to the watery month of June. Enjoy the pictures:
Betterton Day - Only Weeks Away
If you were in B-town for this 4th of July weekend you may have been visited by a representative of the Betterton Volunteer Fire Department selling those Cow Plop Tickets again! This year the number of plots for plops is being reduced so those who purchase have a greater chance to win. The B-Blogger has been told by an inside source that this year's odds of winning are greater than either Mega Million or Power Ball. How would you spend the $2 K that will go to the winner? Speaking of "K" this will be the first year for the Betterton Bayside 5 K Challenge which will begin at 8:00 AM sharp. For more information you can email bettertonday@gmail.com or call (410) 348-5678.
There was much talk this July 4th of new floats for the parade, it seems that the avenues and byways of B-town are going to get a bit competitive, lets just hope there won't be any wardrobe malfunctions. If you're looking for ideas check out some of these pics from this weekend's Rock Hall parade.
There seems to be much speculation about the Fish Fry Vendor a long time staple and friend of Betterton Day, last year they weren't there and many residents were dismayed. Bring back the Fish Fry Vendor was certainly a topic heard by the B-Blogger this weekend and rumors have it that they'd love to be back. So if you have an opinion on this critical option make your voice heard and contact the BVFC at (410) 348-5678.
There was much talk this July 4th of new floats for the parade, it seems that the avenues and byways of B-town are going to get a bit competitive, lets just hope there won't be any wardrobe malfunctions. If you're looking for ideas check out some of these pics from this weekend's Rock Hall parade.
There seems to be much speculation about the Fish Fry Vendor a long time staple and friend of Betterton Day, last year they weren't there and many residents were dismayed. Bring back the Fish Fry Vendor was certainly a topic heard by the B-Blogger this weekend and rumors have it that they'd love to be back. So if you have an opinion on this critical option make your voice heard and contact the BVFC at (410) 348-5678.
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