Betterton Maryland is indeed the Jewel of the Chesapeake, stay tuned for issues that impact its residents and those that visit We encourage all of our readers to provide their insights and comments on any and all posts. Remember you will need to "sign in" first by clicking on the upper right corner of the blog where it says "sign in".
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Blustery Winds and Torrential Rain Batter Betterton
Friday, June 29, 2012
Sassafest and Betterton Fishing Ark
Sunday July 8th is a date that all Bettertonians should jot down on their calendars whether Google, Outlook, or your version of Hulks of the Betterton Volunteer Fire Company. Our very own Betterton Fishing Ark will be featured at this year's Sassafest at the Georgtown Marina from noon to 5 PM. According to resident Joan Zellers there is a critical need for some B-Towners to help staff the vessel, so if interested please post your willingness below in the comment section. So far only Mayor Sorge and Linda Hall have bellied up to the bar on this request. Having personally done this in the past it is a great opportunity to share Betterton's history with others while appreciating the role that this vessel and similar ones have played in the past. All volunteers would be greatly appreciated.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Bowels In An Uproar
Don't fret, this isn't about those B-Towners who will have a colonscopy, although if you are over fifty and haven't had one within the past ten years, it is a great idea and could save your life. Figs too have been associated with a colonic uproar and in this case the B-blogger has been taking some heat for mentioning it on our blog with some out of the box thoughts. So to those I've offended please forgive but remember the Blog is always about the betterment of Betterton.
This year at least the Fig Fest will be local and only B-Towners and their guests will be invited. I've witnessed some of our neighbor's family and friends list so it still could be a considerable congregation. In the meantime, start gathering those recipes and working in your test kitchens as there will be votes and prizes. A recent orchard tour of the Jewel is promising the first load of fresh figs within the next 2-3 weeks. Stay tuned and if you wish to share a fig or two or an associated recipe, please do below.
This year at least the Fig Fest will be local and only B-Towners and their guests will be invited. I've witnessed some of our neighbor's family and friends list so it still could be a considerable congregation. In the meantime, start gathering those recipes and working in your test kitchens as there will be votes and prizes. A recent orchard tour of the Jewel is promising the first load of fresh figs within the next 2-3 weeks. Stay tuned and if you wish to share a fig or two or an associated recipe, please do below.
Facebook and Betterton - What Do they Have In Common?
For those of you B-Towners who use Facebook, you should know that there is a Betterton Community Group. That's right people with a connection to Betterton our Jewel from past to present are sharing their stories and their finds. Really kind of neat! When you are in Facebook simply search for Betterton Community and you'll be taken to the site. You can read and view as much as you like but if you wish to add thoughts, pictures and or memories you will need to "request to join the group", a simple procedure.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
All Politics Is Local
As we all wait for the big US Supreme Court decision on the Healthcare Act, we need to start thinking local. That's right in just a few months elections will be here but the B-Blogger isn't speaking about Obama or Romney but B-Town City Council. That's right that time is here and sources have told the B-Blogger that there will be at least two seats up for grabs.
If you go back to the last election our Blog was busting with comments from would be challengers. So if you care about cat poop, the waste water treatment plan, your assessments and the future of B-Town we need to know who plans on running and what their visions are for Betterton's future.
At a recent fund-raiser, Debbie Wasserman Schultz popped in on the Eastern Shore to speak with B-Town's own Dr. Mel and his son as you will see above. Could it be that Dr. Mel is looking for support for City Council, I would certainly think it an option. Perhaps Debbie was bringing a message from our President urging him to run. What about Kim Kohl and Maire Smith? Is it time for more women and their insights into the future? Lets not forget Bob Thomas who has brought both wisdom and sanity to our zoning committee. Lots of questions with few answers. So let's rev up your responses and post them below.
If you go back to the last election our Blog was busting with comments from would be challengers. So if you care about cat poop, the waste water treatment plan, your assessments and the future of B-Town we need to know who plans on running and what their visions are for Betterton's future.
At a recent fund-raiser, Debbie Wasserman Schultz popped in on the Eastern Shore to speak with B-Town's own Dr. Mel and his son as you will see above. Could it be that Dr. Mel is looking for support for City Council, I would certainly think it an option. Perhaps Debbie was bringing a message from our President urging him to run. What about Kim Kohl and Maire Smith? Is it time for more women and their insights into the future? Lets not forget Bob Thomas who has brought both wisdom and sanity to our zoning committee. Lots of questions with few answers. So let's rev up your responses and post them below.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Mark Your Calendars As The Dance Card Is Getting Full
Summer time is a beautiful time in B-Town as Kent County bursts with visitors, family and friends coming from near and far. In fact this year Vermont Bike Tours will be sponsoring several Chesapeake bike vacations, the pedaling type- sorry Ben Kohl no Harley's, that will include Chestertown and perhaps an excursion to Betterton Beach. For the locals and homeowner's of B-Town it is also a time of weekend parties and they are beginning to stack up. The weekends of the 21st and 28th of July are already claimed for the annual Bayside chicks and rooster's parties respectively. Of course their is Betterton Day that first weekend in August and the Fig Fest on the 25th.
So here's a question for you, what should we do with the Fig Fest? This event brought to us by the team of Ladies Coslett and Parma has been growing in size and stature each year. Rumors have it that some B-Towners have suggested we include dancing, perhaps some line dancing led by Mauren DiStefano or perhaps our City Council members. Others have watched the Fig Fest grow and believe we should go public and utilize it as a fund raiser for the BCDC. In fact, the B-blogger has commented that we should get some local sponsors perhaps "Fresh and Green" from Chestertown that could allow us to sell T-shirts or mugs that promote Figs and the festival. So what do you think? Post your thoughts below!
So here's a question for you, what should we do with the Fig Fest? This event brought to us by the team of Ladies Coslett and Parma has been growing in size and stature each year. Rumors have it that some B-Towners have suggested we include dancing, perhaps some line dancing led by Mauren DiStefano or perhaps our City Council members. Others have watched the Fig Fest grow and believe we should go public and utilize it as a fund raiser for the BCDC. In fact, the B-blogger has commented that we should get some local sponsors perhaps "Fresh and Green" from Chestertown that could allow us to sell T-shirts or mugs that promote Figs and the festival. So what do you think? Post your thoughts below!
Wonders of Lillies
For the B-Blogger there is nothing as delightful as walking into a home with an arrangement of Asiatic lilies placed somwhere in the home as their fragrance permeates a room or two. And for those of us in B-Town these days a walk up and down our streets leads you through a magnificent rainbow of colors being displayed by Daylilies, Tiger lilies, Trupet lilies and Tango lilies as they stagger their blooms each day. What you may not realize, however, is that like citrus mulch, lilies especially Asiatic ones are not the friends of felines. In fact, large gardens of these beautiful flowers will limit feral cats that might otherwise lounge on your lawn. The fragrance that the B-blogger finds so delightful is a scent of caution to cats as a lily's pollen is toxic to them especially when their coat is covered. So while you contemplate this thought enjoy some of our local flora.
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