Betterton Maryland is indeed the Jewel of the Chesapeake, stay tuned for issues that impact its residents and those that visit We encourage all of our readers to provide their insights and comments on any and all posts. Remember you will need to "sign in" first by clicking on the upper right corner of the blog where it says "sign in".
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Betterton Stabbing - Be on the Lookout
Just several hours ago a large African American man approached a Betterton resident in front of Marzella's Pizza and stabbed him. The resident, whose name is being kept confidential by police ,was taken via helicopter to Shock Trauma for treatment. At present time the Kent County Sheriff's office has not apprehended the assailant and Betterton residents are strongly encouraged to assure that their property's are locked and be vigilant about your surroundings, especially at night. Contact the Kent County Sheriff's office immediately should you see any suspicious individuals and be cautious of any stranger who might approach. Prayers are with the victim for a speedy recovery.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Santa Visits Betterton
It has been a bit of a drought in B-town news since the elections so Santa dropped off these photos as his reindeer took him from chimney to chimney last night. Enjoy them with your Christmas dinner and don't forget to check out the "Betterton Group" on facebook.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Vote Yes on 6 on November 6th!
While the Betterton Council Election has been decided and the new City Council is preparing for its first meeting, there is still the State and National ballots to be filed, counted and the new order to be determined. This coming Monday, October 29th is the beginning of early balloting in our State so if you can't get to the polls on Tuesday November 6th, go early and vote at the Kent County Library. Of critical importance on a State level is the Equality referendum # 6 that will not only reinforce our US Constitution that declares all people equal but specifically will allow Gay and Lesbian couples to marry. The PFLAG (parents and friends of lesbian and gays) gathering at Fountain Park that made the Kent County News' front page emphasized that we have not only good neighbors but strong leaders in our State who are lesbian and gays who cannot formally declare their relationships under present law. Right now we are not a State where all people are equal. Many lesbian and gay couples have children who are being raised in loving homes, yet their parents (both natural and adopted) cannot be married. Contrary to what opponents are saying, this referendum if passed will NOT stifle religious freedom but actually enhance it, whereby anyone in the State with the legal right to perform a marriage will be able to do so, and those that don't wish to do so will not be required. What this referendum will do is assure that when a spouse is ill, the other spouse regardless of sex will be able to visit and care for their ill or disabled spouse without discrimination nor a court declared order. Family's will remain stable and financially secure when one spouse dies or is severely injured just as heterosexual couples do today. There was a time when women couldn't vote, when African Americans rode in the back of the bus or worse had to leave towns such as Betterton after 4:30 PM. However, as our Nation has matured we have corrected those wrongs and on November 6th YOU will have an opportunity to strengthen these freedoms with a Yes on Referendum # 6. Equality Maryland
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Fig Follow Up and More
Despite the B-Blogger's faux pas of stating the date of Fig Fest as August 5th rather than 25th, Bettertonians from near and far gathered to celebrate what has become the annual fig harvest for this quaint town on the shores of the Chesapeake. While organizers had stated this event was for Bettertonians and their friends, there were several who had been before and couldn't resist not returning. From the B-Blogger's perspective it should be an open event so that indeed our Town becomes a "desired destination" rather than a point on a map. If the Town can manage Betterton Day then we should be capable of doing the same with Fig Fest. Let's see if this stirs up some comments below, perhaps even from some of the candidates running for City Council seats this October. For businesses to thrive they need a steady stream of regular and new customers and it is successful local business that will keep our Town in good fiscal state.
However, before leaving the Fig Fest a huge shout out to the organizers, the BCDC volunteers and others who banned together to put up tents, arrange and serve the food and create an amazing event. See some memories of August 25th below.
Speaking of working together don't forget that October 6th is Betterton's town elections. While the B-Blogger and others are anxiously awaiting the official announcements of candidates, it is our civic duty to get out and vote! Remember that Town Council elections are not on our national election day but before it. As one Council member said to me, if residents don't vote then they can't complain. Those of us who are legal residents of the Jewel need to know what the candidates stand for and what they view as the issues. You may recall at the last election we had the local League of Women Voters provide a forum for the candidates to present, unfortunately several of those running for seats didn't bother to show up for a variety of reasons. Our Town's electorate therefore found good reason not to seat them at the Council's table, hopefully this year's candidates will all share their perspectives, proposals and plans if elected, so debate and discussion can once again occur.
As Labor Day Weekend marks the last of the big summer weekends take a moment to relax and enjoy the sights of Fig Fest 2012.
However, before leaving the Fig Fest a huge shout out to the organizers, the BCDC volunteers and others who banned together to put up tents, arrange and serve the food and create an amazing event. See some memories of August 25th below.
Speaking of working together don't forget that October 6th is Betterton's town elections. While the B-Blogger and others are anxiously awaiting the official announcements of candidates, it is our civic duty to get out and vote! Remember that Town Council elections are not on our national election day but before it. As one Council member said to me, if residents don't vote then they can't complain. Those of us who are legal residents of the Jewel need to know what the candidates stand for and what they view as the issues. You may recall at the last election we had the local League of Women Voters provide a forum for the candidates to present, unfortunately several of those running for seats didn't bother to show up for a variety of reasons. Our Town's electorate therefore found good reason not to seat them at the Council's table, hopefully this year's candidates will all share their perspectives, proposals and plans if elected, so debate and discussion can once again occur.
As Labor Day Weekend marks the last of the big summer weekends take a moment to relax and enjoy the sights of Fig Fest 2012.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Move Over Activia
That's right the event of the season for Bettertonians and their families and friends is set to happen on Saturday, August 5th at 4 PM. Its time for folks to be regular at Betterton's annual Fig Fest.
Activia may make some feel a bit better but fresh figs off the trees of the Jewel are guaranteed to make your passage easier. In addition to the health benefit, those in attendance will have an opportunity to taste a multitude of fig recipes from simple appetizers to extraordinary desserts, and lets not forget those main courses too. After last years young chef's contest, you must be 16 years of age or younger, rumors are percolating through the Jewel's streets and alleys that Doyle DiStephano is gearing up to take first place.
The event will happen at the bluff on the corner of Bayside Boulevard and Park Street. Participants are all asked to bring at least one fig dish per family and more are certainly welcome. Because organizers feared attendance to be way over the 500 mark, the events is limited to Betterton residents, full and part-time, and those that they invite. Each family will be asked for a $5.00 donation to support the BCDC if they wish to cast votes for the winning dishes. Of course, the BCDC would welcome any additional cash donations as well as matching funds if your workplace supports its employees in that manner.
There is still plenty of time to gather those recipes and cooking needs to assure you have an entry prepared for the 4 PM start. For more detailed information don't hesitate to contact organizers Coslett and Palma.
Activia may make some feel a bit better but fresh figs off the trees of the Jewel are guaranteed to make your passage easier. In addition to the health benefit, those in attendance will have an opportunity to taste a multitude of fig recipes from simple appetizers to extraordinary desserts, and lets not forget those main courses too. After last years young chef's contest, you must be 16 years of age or younger, rumors are percolating through the Jewel's streets and alleys that Doyle DiStephano is gearing up to take first place.
The event will happen at the bluff on the corner of Bayside Boulevard and Park Street. Participants are all asked to bring at least one fig dish per family and more are certainly welcome. Because organizers feared attendance to be way over the 500 mark, the events is limited to Betterton residents, full and part-time, and those that they invite. Each family will be asked for a $5.00 donation to support the BCDC if they wish to cast votes for the winning dishes. Of course, the BCDC would welcome any additional cash donations as well as matching funds if your workplace supports its employees in that manner.
There is still plenty of time to gather those recipes and cooking needs to assure you have an entry prepared for the 4 PM start. For more detailed information don't hesitate to contact organizers Coslett and Palma.
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