Friday, June 29, 2012

Sassafest and Betterton Fishing Ark

Sunday July 8th is a date that all Bettertonians should jot down on their calendars whether Google, Outlook, or your version of Hulks of the Betterton Volunteer Fire Company. Our very own Betterton Fishing Ark will be featured at this year's Sassafest at the Georgtown Marina from noon to 5 PM.  According to resident Joan Zellers there is a critical need for some B-Towners to help staff the vessel, so if interested please post your willingness below in the comment section.  So far only Mayor Sorge and Linda Hall have bellied up to the bar on this request.  Having personally done this in the past it is a great opportunity to share Betterton's history with others while appreciating the role that this vessel and similar ones have played in the past.  All volunteers would be greatly appreciated.


  1. Barbara and I are happy to do one hour, we can help Candy or put us where you want us.

  2. Ah how wonderful. I love the idea of the "ark". I have gone to the
    Wooden Craft Festival held in St. Michael and stood and marveled at
    the small ark. I want to build one. If I get to sell my home on the
    Toms River N.J. I would live part-time on the ark and traveling the US with my pop-up.

    Are there any plans for the construction of an ARK.

    Many thanks,
