Sunday, June 24, 2012

All Politics Is Local

As we all wait for the big US Supreme Court decision on the Healthcare Act, we need to start thinking local.  That's right in just a few months elections will be here but the B-Blogger isn't speaking about Obama or Romney but B-Town City Council.  That's right that time is here and sources have told the B-Blogger that there will be at least two seats up for grabs. 

If you go back to the last election our Blog was busting with comments from would be challengers.  So if you care about cat poop, the waste water treatment plan, your assessments and the future of B-Town we need to know who plans on running and what their visions are for Betterton's future.

At a recent fund-raiser, Debbie Wasserman Schultz popped in on the Eastern Shore to speak with B-Town's own Dr. Mel and his son as you will see above.  Could it be that Dr. Mel is looking for support for City Council, I would certainly think it an option.  Perhaps Debbie was bringing a message from our President urging him to run. What about Kim Kohl and Maire Smith? Is it time for more women and their insights into the future?  Lets not forget Bob Thomas who has brought both wisdom and sanity to our zoning committee.  Lots of questions with few answers.  So let's rev up your responses and post them below. 


  1. It is real easy to offer a comment just click once on the word "comment" above. Your voice counts make it heard

  2. It has been quite awhile since I posted on here and it is nice to see such great pictures and information still being shared. This blog has always been a great source of information.

    So to the issue I am commenting about.

    I am not so concerned about Cat Poop as I believe that Tom has done a wonderful job taking care of the cats and proactively insuring that we are not overrun as in the past by a lot of kittens. Way to go Tom.

    I am concerned about the Water Treatment plant as I have been very vocal as some of you know about the water bills and getting the grants needed to improve what we have or building a newer facility.

    My dream for Betterton as anyone who knows me is to see it thrive and I think that will only come with a changing of the guard and the elimination of the old ideas that this is only to be a seen as a retirement community. I think by coming together as a town we can move forward and rebuild Betterton into a thriving community with less and less for sale signs popping up.

    I would like to see more businesses get established here, maybe a nice store. Still Pond Market no longer exist and it is really frustrating to have to drive 6 miles or more to get toilet paper or a gallon of milk. That to me is a little ridiculous when I am sure we can sustain such a business.

    I have some more Ideas but i will save those for another time but let me end by saying that I am officially announcing here and will register in September to run for Council.

    I will just hope that this time around that we treat each other with respect on this blog and we don't have the mud slinging go on again.

    Thank You for allowing me to post, Maggie Patterson

  3. I am so glad to see you will be joining again and of course we wish you luck Ms Maggie

  4. Glad to see that someone is reading and commenting on the blog, I was afraid that Bettertonian's had all of their online connections lost. The purpose of this blog is to be transparent, raise issues and offer solutions and of most importance be neighborly and polite in all regards.

  5. To the Betterton blogger, I am in total agreement with you on this. Respect and politeness goes along way. I

  6. So sad that today's election did not include a forum nor either candidate being available to see what their views are and to see what they would change. When I asked Mrs. Kohl about a forum I was met with rudeness and the comment there is nothing to discuss, Really nothing at all Mrs. Kohl, I can think of at least 5 topics of concern to may folks in this town. I really did not appreiciate the attitude and since it was displayed publicly I feel the need to comment publicly.
