Tuesday, September 28, 2010

They Came from Near and Far

Betterton's first ever League of Women Voters' Candidate Forum was a big success. Residents both part and full-time came by car, foot and cycle to hear the candidates speak. With the able guidance of the League's facilitator, Margie Elsberg, questions and answers were all presented in a civil and informative way. The Kent County News was duly present with camera man. About the only downside was that none of the non-incumbents bothered to either show up and face their opponents or provide position statements. Are these the type of individuals you want to lead our town's government? You know the B-Blogger's opinion but what is yours?

The major issues discussed were those of the water/sewage treatment plant upgrades, the candidates vision for the future and the potential for a police force. It was very clear that each of the three incumbents are committed and passionate about Betterton. Probably most earth shattering was the necessity due to State mandates for the water/sewage treatment plant upgrades which will be in the neighborhood of 5 million dollars. This is a big number that must be met within the next 5 years or our town will suffer penalties of 2500 dollars a day and no ability to dispose of the waste. In addition, Kent County could take over control and then our residents can expect significant increases in their water and sewage bills, far in excess of present numbers. Mayor Sorge assured residents that she and Council are working diligently on securing grants to assist with this 5 million need and at present we are considered to be well on our way to secure some.

It was very clear that a town police force will not happen due to the enormous expense burden and our very low crime rate in comparison to neighboring villages and towns. Councilman Sutton pointed out that several years ago a Town Watch was attempted, but only two people bothered to show up for the training. People of Betterton need to play a more active role in their town's business, programs and government was a clear undertone to the forum. The candidates all pointed out that actions can only take place when people work together, create options and implement those with the greatest chance for success. This cannot be accomplished by Mayor and Council alone. If you see an opportunity or challenge, we the residents must be willing to step up to the bar, discuss it and propose and then work on the viable options for success. The candidates pointed out that there are only a handful of Betterton neighbors who will role up their sleeves and commit to volunteering on a committee or project team. Yet, we have as the Mayor pointed out a very diverse and knowledgeable population that needs to be harnessed for the betterment of this town.

Constituents asked about local business attraction and enhanced communication with all who live here. These of course are favorite topics of the B-Blogger. Candidates pointed to the fact that Betterton is a destination not a hot spot and people have to come here on their own volition. The town's population cannot support local businesses as clearly seen by the failure of our restaurants on the beach. The B-blogger asked what efforts are being made to advance awareness of our wonderful town and bring the people that will support local business. Alas, this was a weak spot as there is no active solicitation nor promotion of the town beyond the efforts of the BCDC. Would you be willing to put in time and effort with the BCDC or a committee established by Council to make this change happen?

What about a website for the town's people? Indeed this is on the way but no launch date is set. Here again the challenge will be to maintain the website, are you willing to write and edit articles? Perhaps we could highlight those non elected residents and neighbors who are rolling up their sleeves for the betterment of the town. The B-blogger believes we need a communications committee established by Mayor and Council to work with all town entities to promote events and opportunities. The B-blogger is ready to role up my sleeves, are you?

The forum was brought to a close a little bit beyond 8 PM with a reminder that your vote counts and next Saturday, October 2, is our day of reckoning when you will make the difference in where we go from here. Remember Betterton is the place where one vote can make a difference, so be there.


  1. I have an opinion about this statement, which I feel was very out of line:(About the only downside was that none of the non-incumbents bothered to either show up and face their opponents or provide position statements. Are these the type of individuals you want to lead our town's government? )You know the B-Blogger's opinion but what is yours?)

    I had every intention of attending as I had told Judy when I was invited but because I had to work and put out some fires at work before I left and continued once I got home I was unable to attend.
    I also told Judy how sorry I was that I would not be able to attend and that if anyone wanted to reach out to me she had my email address.

    I cannot speak for the other candidates as to why they were not in attendance I can only speak for my self.

    I think that was poorly assumed in this statement why we were not there and I also feel the only choice this town really has at this point in time is to vote in all 3 of us. We definately have some issues in this town and they are not being addressed by our current government.

    This blog site has turned in my opinion to be a one sided sounding post and to be quite frank I will be in front of the Town Hall on Saturday staying within the boundaries of an election along with Janice and we both invite any and all questions before you make your final path in to the town hall to cast your vote.

    I would hope for as much issues as there are that you will look to some new faces on council and a new Mayor to lead us thru these challenging times.

    My husband was also in attendance at the forum and found it very interesting.

    What he found most interesting was the opinion of Mayor and council on industry coming to town.

    We have less than a week before this election and if anyone would like to reach out to me my email address is:

    please know that if I recieve emails in the same format as the angry comments directed towards myself and my family I will not respond but if it is a valid question I will be more than happy to respond.

  2. Those who participated in the debate showed their commitment to a critical role that the public entrusts them with. The critical role of running a small town government. I am sure the others had reasons they could not attend although credit goes to those who made it happen in their also busy schedules.

    In a small town it is critical to know that commitment is there as it would not take much of a fiscal or management miscue to see our small town go sideways or worse. Especially with so many mandated critical balls in the air.

    Some examples of past commitment to our community that we can evaluate the candidates with include:
    • Being a positive influence within town government.

    • Being a member of our Volunteer Fire Department.

    • Working with community groups to better the community (e.g. BCDC)

    • Volunteering your time on Betterton Day, the Beach Clean Up, the Sassafest, the Tree Run and the Goose Bump Jump.

    • Being a leader in your community group of worship.

    • Committing your valued time and skills to the laborious job of securing grants for the betterment of Betterton and its citizens.

    • Being an active member of our river’s vital voice, the SRA

    • Helping mold the Community Center to exceed expectations and be the living, breathing heart (especially for the children of our town) for our historic, proud community.

    • Sound fiscal experience beyond personal accounts.

    • Someone who represents Betterton in a positive, professional and trusted way in interacting with Kent County government and the state of Maryland.

    • Someone who has been a good and trusted neighbor.

    To me it comes down to what people have done and the commitment they have already shown, not what they say they will do. Most know the candidates better than I do. I am sure the right leaders will be elected for the right reasons.

    Brian DiStefano

  3. Indeed, Maggie did call me in the late afternoon to say that she was unable to attend as she had to work late. She gave me her contact information to give to people.

    However, the League does not announce contact information for candidates as they are a neutral, non-political organization.

    If contact information for one candidate had been announced by anyone, then the other five would have had to have the same courtesy.

  4. Thank you for the breakdown of your views for the town. I agree that volunteering is most definately a positive thing.

    I guess I could enlighten on that fact of volunteering as I kept many girls in our town for girl scout meetings so that they would not have to travel to Galena or chestertown and I did that for quite a few years.

    My involvement with the town has been to speak for those that can't on the poorly run governement that we now have and the incresed spending and the increased rates of the water bill.

    I spend many hours researching and contacting other municipalities as well as the Governor's office and other highly visible entities to find a solution and present it to the town.

    Unfortunatly it fell on closed ears.

    I was the only candidate in the last election to stand outside of the church near the town hall to speak to each and every voter that wanted to talk.

    I do have 2 degrees and currently finishing my Master's degree in Computer Information Systems all while working and raising a family.

    I work as a billing analyst for one of the Nations largest corporations and I drive over 3 hours a day to get to work so I have working knowlege of fiscal issues and every thing associated with not only bills but issues of fraud and protection for my companies bottom line.

  5. Ex-council member Tom HollidgeSeptember 29, 2010 at 9:41 PM

    After a hasty meeting of local residents about the fly-in project, Jack Massey and I were drafted to run for town council. At the council meetings Jack would ask (WHERE ALL THE CONCERNED PEOPLE WHO ARE OPPOSED TO THE FLY-IN, FOR SUPPORT). Only a few were involved in the defeat of the issue. Then the mooring issue arrived. Jack and I had many uneasy times with M/C. Jack moved away and I continued to try understand how the town works. You know the rest of the story without Paul Harvey These are the only big success stories that I remember.

    I only asked on one question Monday night. It about the town paying employees that are members of the VOLUNTEER Fire Dept to respond to calls to other communities controlled by other town fire departments. The mayor and the other council members jumped on the issue together. I tried to respond but the green stop sign went up. The Mayor said that Rock Hall pays their employees also. The employees use a time clock, but they are on salary. When they respond to calls they still have their jobs to complete with no additional cost the town. Salary is a great way to keep to the budget. Did you notice the reaction of the three when I spoke. It always like that at the town meetings. I get the feeling of not being liked

  6. Oh Tom, let's look to the future not the past. Your posted comments about the past have little impact on the present (and need to be proofread). I hope everyone knows that Betterton Volunteer Fire Personnel were some of the first on the scene in Still Pond.

  7. God Bless our Fire Department!! We need to support them in everyway and stop all the pettiness.

  8. Tom Hollidge (vol.fire dept since 1966) registered voter and been named anonymous at town meetingsSeptember 30, 2010 at 10:15 AM

    TO: the unnamed register voter. I believe that Kennedyville VFD was first on the scene and they entered the building first and did a great job.I am glad our employee was able to take the truck to the scene and help. I am not picking on the these people. I am just using this as an example of how tax payer money is used. If we were rolling in money all is well.
    TO: anonymous-- The support and professionalism comes from many hours of required training. The fire dept can always use more volunteers. I have spent many hours responding to calls 24 hours a day. You should thank the medical members who spend many hours day and night, which there are few. After spending many nights on calls (FREE) they still have to get up and go to work. Ask Miss Debbie how tired she gets from having to respond to most of the calls.
    I am only pointing out how the incumbents run the town. If you are happy with the current administration then re-elect them. If you believe we need a change this is the time to make it happen.

  9. It was disappointing that the non encumbered candidates choose to not attend the "League of Women Voters" candidates forum on Monday evening. I would hope that my fellow Betterton voters feel the same and will come out on Saturday to support the present administration with their vote.

  10. The current town government has done very little to reach out to the community and embrace and encourage participation and change. A last-minute forum a few days before an election and a few aggressive flyers/mailings during the two week period before an election do very little to dispel the concerns many of us have about long-standing problems and questions that continue to remain unanswered no matter how many times, and by how many different people, they are asked. The time is overripe for some new blood in the Mayor/Council seats. It ALMOST doesn't even matter a whole lot who the new people are!! Sounds crazy, but I'm afraid it's true, and may have a lot to do with how things went on Monday night. See you all on Saturday. Maggie, don't lose heart.

  11. The only part of the previous "Anonymous" statement that has any factual content is "Sounds crazy". Remember to have your voice heard and your vote counted you must come to the Town Hall between 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM on Saturday.

  12. Wow, scary stuff. With some of the front page quotes in the KCN, Betterton already has shown enough cluelessness to the County during election season. We don't need any more once the elction is over or the drama it brings with it.

  13. I agree with the previous "Anonymous" statement and in order to accomplish that we need to elect the incumbents.

  14. Thank you anonymous and trust me I have not lost heart; even with that big target that seems to have grown on my back during this election and with all of the petty crappy things that have been said publicly in this forum about me and my family I feel stronger than ever that we need a change.

    To once again become a community that cares about each other whether or not they have the same views in any area we are a small population and we need to be more inline with the needs of our neighbors and not shoot them down every chance we get.

    Your comment and what I see as your faith in new faces alone dismisses any doubts that I had about this election and has only made me more determined to win a council seat along with the other NEW candidates.

    That is the operative word here, NEW.

    Anonymous, you also made a good point that it would not really matter who ran as long as we get some new fresh faces in those chairs.

    The government needs a change and I hope that everyone comes out on Saturday and whether you vote for myself or the other NEW candidates that you enjoy the experience that voting brings and being able to voice your opinion and hopefully Sunday morning we will all see a new and improved government.

  15. Elect the incumbents and pay through the nose for water and sewer. My water and sewer run $700 a quarter. When I lived in another town in this county. My water and sewer cost $119 a quarter. Me I know what the incumbents will do NOTHING to low my bill. I want to see what the challengers will do. I believe they will lower my water bill.

  16. Great point anonymous you hit the nail on the head with the water bill issue. With a bill this high you could not even attempt to sell your home and for that matter how can you afford to eat. I am quite sure this is an issue that if elected the new incumbents not the current government will tackle head on. Seems to me that no one currently on the Council ever ask for a credit for their water nor complain that they pay to much.
    So hopefully this Saturday they will come to your aid.

  17. I am staggered by the $700 water bill. How many people live in that house? Or how many showers are taken or loads of wash done each quarter? Does Anonymous have a swimming pool. I have been paying water bills in Betterton for over 20 yrs and have never gone over the minimum. Water is more and more becoming a precious commodity. Look at the most recent Newsweek to confirm that. We will soon be fighting more than elections over clean, drinkable water. Maybe we all need to learn to economize and not treat clean water as if it is a given right.

    Trust me, the cost of clean water is only going to get more expensive. That Betterton has a water treatment plant is a privilege we all need to work to keep.

  18. Hopefully Sunday morning our property values don't also fall through the floor.

  19. They already have and it has nothing to do with Betterton Mayor and Council. One of the reasons our property values are not even lower is that property owners don't have to contend with septic systems and drinking water that smells like rotten eggs and tastes worse.

  20. Clyde: You and I both know how many residents attend the town meetings. Any M/C members should have support. This is the place to get information about the town, not the newspapers. There must be reasons why residents stay away.

  21. Tom H. Not sure what you are saying to me, it makes no sense, maybe someone can help me understand.

  22. He means no one comes if they don't have a specific agenda. Unless of course they want a job working for the new government they envision.

  23. Anonymous - That was no help, it even makes less sense

  24. Come on guys, people don't come to the town meetings because, like all meetings, they are boring. The real stuff happens when the council members do their homework, read the memos, ask the right questions in the workshops and make the decisions. Town meetings are for the public approval vote and final clarification questions; the town lawyer doesn't attend the once a month meetings, he comes to the workshops. All governments work that way and you know it.

  25. Well registered voter I have to disagree with this statement. I have been to many meetings and I find them quite entertaining, and to be honest folks don't come to meetings because they are boring they don't come to meetings because answers to simple questions are not readily available; example being how much is in the budget for water or how much the new plant will cost.They also don't like the reception they receive or the mass attack by all members when a pertinent question is asked. This is a small town and the issues on the table each and every meeting affect the town residents and the meetings should not be considered as you stated a public approval vote on the other hand the meetings should be a chance for residents to discuss the issues and council duties are to listen, which they don't and the council should take all views under consideration. So you need to rethink the use of the meetings as just the residents approval vote because if that was the case most issues would not get the residents approval.
    Today is the day for change to all of that and the residents need to vote for the NEW candidates to bring about that change and let the NEW council members vote for what the residents want of course within reason. Council and Mayor's are elected by the people and work for the people but the way it works in our town is the council and mayor are voted in by the people but work for themselves

  26. To I am staggered,

    I have the same number of house hold members.I do not have a pool. The same number of showers, clothes washed. There is no difference between there and here, except the water bill.

  27. Most municipalities are now raising water and sewer rates. There is a mandate to clean up the Chesapeake bay and communities must comply. Betterton needs a $4-5 million sewer plant upgrade. If we do not comply, there will be a $2500 per day fine. It is not a matter of what we want to pay for water, it is what the town needs to do to have the funds to comply with the law. As mentioned by someone else, we must all be aware of the amount of water we use and try to conserve. There are many websites with helpful conservation information. Rain barrels are a good start - check out the one at the pavilion at the beach.

  28. Well I want to say thank you to all that voted for myself, Janis Dey and Joanne Hollidge.
    It was a great turnout but unfortunatley we did not succeed in bringing down the local government and appoint some fresh new faces.

    I think the saddest part of the day is that at the end of it the same tired corrupt and immoral individuals have been re-elected to office and have carte blanch once again to continue to swindle and steal from the residents.

    Mayor and council's dilusions of grander that they are untouchable and that what they do is completely in the towns best interest is such a facad that it makes me sick.
    We will once again be at their mercy.

    Anyone that knows anything about this town knows that we have had the same tired Mayor in office for 20 years and the council has been in office to long as well.

    I am almost ashamed to say that I live in Betterton, I love the people the majority are friendly but the fact of the matter is the govenment is the laughing stock of the County and that is the embarrassing part.

    If this post comes across as being sour grapes it may well be.

    The Mayor and council today during the election violated the election laws by standing within the boudaries and not outside the boundaries as we did as well as someone tried to have a sample ballot used as part of a ploy to get more votes.
    The reason that colored paper was used in the ballot process today was do to the improper and immoral use of a flyer that contained a sample ballot without the word sample written across the names.
    Were Mayor and Council so desperate that they tried this approach? They won anyway so what was the point.

    It was immoral and unethical and although these are just two examples, these are the types of people that again got voted in to office.
    I will tell you right up front that I think they are an arrogant bunch of good ol boys with one agenda to rip the town off.

    Again, if this post offends well maybe there is some guilt to go along with that feeling of being offeded.

    Thank you again for the votes that I got and the other members of the new group, it was wonderful and showed that there really are some honest hardworking people in town that want change but we are the minority.

    Your commitment to change shows that there are folks that are tired of the crap per se but not as many as the clique of crooks that live in this town.

    All I can say to those that are offended by this, too bad because as much as I wanted change I have been verbally attacked on this site but I kept it real and tried my hardest as my fellow candidates tried.

    So when you again attack my character and my families character remember the way you say things brings out who you are.

  29. Maggie I am so sorry that you did not get elected and I was definatley ready for change with not only you but Ms.Dey and Ms. Hollidge.
    I think the corrupt way that was handled by the flyers with sample ballot and the way they stood is sickening and that is what is wrong with the mayor and her cronies.
    What is a shame we are now stuck with her for another 4 years and what can i say about those two council members really it is not on this site that i could say it.
    Well my husband and I are sorry it did not work out and we will begin to come to meetings and maybe with any luck we will bring the force down, they are not untouchable.

  30. I was undecided until recently but I went with the change vote even after the non-debate. After reading Maggie's comments above it scares me to think what I may have contributed to. I am not happy with a lot of things but I don't doubt current M/C commitment to act in the best manner for our town.

  31. Congratulations to the voters of Betterton, more than 50% of those registered, voted - which is better than the national election. Congratulations to Sorge, Pyfer and Sutton on their re-election - the people have spoken. My advice to them would be to print out maggies post and discuss it with an attorney - it seems to me to be more than just "sour grapes", but then, I am not an attorney.

  32. Thanks anonymous but please believe there are more bats in the bellfry and the things that are being done to our town by M/C are appalling and illegal and I will be doing everything in my power to bring light to what they are doing as representatives of our town.
    I can start naming all the things that they have proven to have done that are under the radar and when it all comes out I would imagine that the M/C will come with the shredder to elimiate any proof of wrong doing and to be honest it won't matter because there are documents out there that support any and all accusations that will be coming M/C way.
    The debate or forum was a great idea, I had to work, not unusual in the corporate world and the other 2 NEW candidates that ran simply had a conflict of scheduling. We were invited not asked it the dates were suitable but it is what it is.
    I would have been there with bells on but again I have a family to feed and work comes first then the other facets of my life fall into place.
    I just feel that their lack of caring is apparant with the water bills for one. The county has agreed to meet with them to discuss ways to save by running the WWTP operation but the town does not want to give up control.
    I personally have contacted Wayne Morris with over 30 years of experience he assures us the benefits and the reduced cost to using a simple commodity such as water.
    He also assured me of the additional benefits by a county run plant and I have to agree that a rough breakdown of just the labor would run each of 350 households a mere 10.00 or less.
    I sincerely hope that this election as nasty as it went woke the M/C up to the fact that they weren't replaced but there are quite a few of us that know what they are and what they do.
    It is just a matter of time before the clock runs out and the hands of justice step in to iron it all out.

  33. Maggie, I agree with your statement"...the way you say things brings out who you are" as witness by you earlier post. PS. My understanding is that the colored paper was used because it was excess (it had been purchase for another project and it wasn't all used(cost savings))and not for the reason you state in your post.

  34. Maggie, Again I agree with your statement about "...the hands of justice..." stepping in.

  35. I would hope that in the future more resident make a serious attempt to attend at least one Mayor & Council meeting a month to gather info, ask questions, get clarifications and see who else attends and what their interests are.

  36. Another embarrassed Ms. Maggie voter.

  37. I would like to congratulate everyone who ran for mayor and council - both the winners and the losers - it is also encouraging to see such a large percentage of the town voters participating in the electoral process - I would now hope that we can all work together for the betterment of the town

  38. Just goes to show you, you should research the person you vote for before you enter the polls. Change is not always necessarily good. Maggie's allegations of corruption and immorality are very serious and completely unfounded. Thank goodness for Betterton sanity ruled the day.

  39. Thank you Clyde for verifying the nature of the attacks that I personally took during this election. If you have ever taken the time to get to know me you would have not made the above statement but as always you base your opinion on your lack of understaning what it is like to be a hard working person seems to me you are priviledged in that fact and have never had to work hard a day in your life. You assume you know who someone is an you know what they say about assuming.

    Your understanding again about the colored paper is clouded by your need to keep in office a M/C that are for the purpose of my earlier post.

    I am very happy with the turn out of people that came out to vote but again I am steadfast in my belief that this town is for a certain percentage and as long as they are in office things will never improve.

    It does not truly matter in my mind what you think of me or what you have a mind to write on this blog because there were at least 40 or more residents that believed I could make a difference and for those folks I am very touched and flatteed by their belief that I am a good person.
    Talk about accusations well the ones you made about me previously and in this latest post proves what you are all about.

    Again, I want to thank everyone that voted for me and the other potential new candidates and with any luck we will move forward and root out the bad things and have a pleasant affordable place to live in.

    I'm not going anywhere, I have not been intimidated so far by the good ol boy way of thinging that comes from folks like you and I will not be.

    Trust me the over 40 folks that voted for me knew I stood for the right of the average person.

  40. After a night of sleeplessness and sadness resulting from the current Election know that I am not going to apologize for any post that I put on, this is a public forum for discussion, but I will say congratulations to the council and Mayor.

    I may not agree with M/C leadership and policies but going forward I would hope that we can all work towards positive solutions for the town to bring about Economic change and to make this a closer town then it has been over the last 10 or more years.
    Again Congratulations to the winners.

  41. Again Maggie I agree with a portion of your post "...you know what they say about assuming." Let me make it clear that I never assumed anything about you and would like you to point out what I wrote in my post's that indicate that. You on the other hand have written about me that "...you base your opinion on your lack of understanding what it is like to be a hard working person seems to me you are privileged in that fact and have never worked a day in your life." and nothing is further from fact. Again there are no facts to your statement. The people of Betterton have spoken through their vote, end of story - have a nice life.

  42. Ms. Maggie
    I'm glad to see that after a good nights sleep you admit that disappointmen can make people do and act out of character. Your last post proves you are past your disapointment and now back to working for the best for this town and all its residents. To all involved in the recent election I congratulate all of you. It is good to see such passion from everyone for the betterment of this town

  43. Can anyone tell us who to contact in regards to starting any meetings at the new community center

  44. I can't imagine we could have found three worse candidates to challenge M/C. We needed a 747 for all the baggage and the weight only got worse as we went along. When they bailed on the debate I bailed on them.

  45. Anonymous of October 3, 2010: 540 am- Thank you so much for the comment above it is wonderful to know we have individuals like yourself that live in our wonderful town.

    Now that the election is over lets have some positive feedback on this forum and recognize that we all need to work together.

    I hope you have a wonderful day filled with hope and objectivity.

  46. Interesting that those who fought the CC at every turn and did none of the hardwork to make it a reality are the first ones with their hands out.

  47. Anonymous not sure what u are referring to but as i previously said the election is over time to move past this and work for a better Betterton, I intend to.

  48. Congratulations Madam Mayor and Councilmen Pfyer and Sutton. Your track record of committing your valuable time and leadership skills for the betterment of the town and our community paid off. It was clearly a divisive campaign. Staying on the high road and your willingness to debate the facts and future issues obviously paid off in the voters mind.

    Ideally with the focus on the challenges of this small government everyone learned more about the government and ways they can contribute in a positive way.

  49. Maggie,

    Just a quick question... You state that you couldn't attend to forum because of work conflicts, and that feeding your family comes before all else.

    How, then were you planning to fit in the time commitment of serving the town? I know for a fact that it's not a job that is confined to set hours, but asks for a commitment and dedication that requires you to frequently put town interests over family and personal ones.

    If you can't find time to attend a forum, how would you fit in serving on town council?

    And yes, we should judge people by how they present themselves, and with the way you presented yourself in your first post-results comment, you sound incredibly unprofessional and irrational--not someone I'd want in government.

  50. Well all I can say is that you are entitled to your opinion but also keep in mind that there are council members that do not attend council meeting because or their need to work and that is obvious if you attend any of the town meetings right now.
    As far as my post comments go i made it clear this morning that it was an upsetting moment that we on the opposing side spent many tireless hours trying to convince folks that we had the solution or at least the idea that may help this town so with that being said, if you chose to not vote for me due to a post election moment maybe you should have been at a meeting when our own Mayor slapped her hand down on the table over a question and announced that she could not speak at the moment someone else had so before you totally judge my reaction and that being the reason you did not vote for me or consider me professional then go to a meeting when we are all professional and the Mayor has a tirate.

    Again the election is over so is the drama, have a great day and really look at all aspects before posting on here you opinions you may find them to be a slight bit miss led.

    come to a meeting once and a while and then you will see what you day i did

  51. Donald W. Kirwan USMC RETOctober 3, 2010 at 5:30 PM

    The post Oct.3,2010 9:58 AM.

    This is petty. I thought the mud slinging was over. I moved to Betterton to live out my life in peace and harmmony. I hope the attacks on my wife end now. If not I will have to get involved. I do not get involved unless I believe I'm forced to. THIS WOULD NOT BE PRETTY IF I DO. It is time to put our attention on the job at hand,
    Betterton improvment.

  52. Phew! All this blather after that incredible community center open house! All those names up on that donor chart and that wonderful Kent County High School Jazz Band and those Galway Gals. Cookies donated from throughout the town. What are you guys thinking??? KNOCK IT OFF!!!!!!

  53. I am going to make one final comment on all of the negative feedback I have received since my post last night.
    Many did not agree with my post and I understand that but at the same time this is a forum for discussion and I expressed my opinions and for that once again I have been verbally attacked as I have been on this site from the beginning of the campaign.
    That to me is very sad, I work hard and have nothing but the greatest regard for achieving progress and the way I have been treated for expressing my opinions is so say the least very sad.
    If you did not agree with me fine but for goodness sake I did not say anything that was not documented.
    I appreciate all that voted for me and if some of these posts are by any individuals that voted for me and you feel I let you down then for you and only you will I apologize.
    We have a lot of issues in this town that are being swept away because we chose to and as long as we chose to sweep things under the rug and not come to meetings and not stand up for what we believe to be right or wrong we will continue to be stuck in this slump
    It was my intention to get elected and help change things but that did not happen and I accept that but I will not sit by and allow any thing posted on this site to take my personal power or my personal beliefs away. I have worked hard professionally and on my education and spiritually to allow anyone to take my power away.

    So continue to feel the way you do that is certainly not my problem. I stand by what I have said on this blog and I will continue in the background out of government to try and make this place a better place.
    I am not going anywhere and my home will be a place where my children will live for a very long time to come.
    Again, I will be here to watch the progress of the M/C as well as I will continue to fight for what I believe in at our meetings.
    If you don't like me or what I have said that is your issue not mine.
    Again, lets do as the registered voter above said and as my husband said and knock it off.

    have a great week I know that I will.

  54. Thank you registered voter! The opening of the community center WAS terrific. It should make us all proud to live in Betterton.

  55. Magagie, what do you mean by saying you did not say anything that was not documented? Is it documented that the town mayor and council is corrupt, immoral and liars. I think not. The voters have spoken and the positive people of the town have spoken by their awesome support of the new community center. I agree with registered voter - knock it off.

  56. To address that anonymous, yes the issues of the in boundaries and flyers with sample ballot were brought to the attention of the folks in charge of the voting process and for their role in making this a fair election I thank them.

    I posted my beliefs and my opinions and they are just my opinions.

    have a great day.

  57. I hope to see many of you at future Mayor & Council meetings - normally the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month at 7:00 PM in the Town Hall - it is the best way to get first hand knowledge of what is going on in Betterton and who is making it happen.

  58. There is a new betterton blog
