Friday, September 6, 2013

A Pajama Party and More says Impresario and Jazz Festival promoter Mel Rapelyea

Tonight's the night as the rocket shall roar off its launch pad says Dr. Mel also known as the Duke of Betterton and most recently the Impresario.  Make sure to take a nap so you can look up at the heavens and see the NASA rocket go through its stages beginning at 11:27 PM tonight.  For more insights on this event see the previous blog post.   Don't plan on getting too much sleep, however, as at 10:30 am Wilmer Park will open to kick off the Jazz Festival with the Chestertown River Arts' annual Art in the Park and at 11:30 am the "100 Voice Choir of Kent County" will entertain with gospel music.  Starting at 3:15 pm the headliners will appear including Sue Matthews and Cyrus Chestnut.  Remember to leave your animal companions at home, as pets will be restricted from Wilmer Park during the festival hours.  On Sunday, if the horns, drums and piano's have saturated your senses, go for some nature at Priapi Gardens Open from 10 am - 3 pm.  While the Jazz festival tickets are $25.00/pp, Priapi is free and their plants will all be buy one get one free. Don't forget your smart phones and or camera's and post your favorite pictures on the Blog.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Jewel Has It's Own Diana Nyad

Cuba to Florida is an amazing accomplishment and shows how true grit, determination, and living your dream    propelled Diana Nyad through those rough and dangerous waters. See this lady at the finish line . What most people don't know is that one of the Jewel's very own Anthony McCarley of Crew's Landing just swam the English Channel at age 59.  Like Diana this was a dream come true for Anthony and one that the Blogger thinks the town should celebrate, perhaps as Guest of Honor at next year's Betterton Day!  Check out Anthony's amazing 13 hour 29 minute journey at  Anthony's Challenge. If you have ideas as to how best to recognize Anthony and his feat post it on the blog.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Fig Fest -Simply Fabulous

For the fourth year in a row the team of Palmer and Coslett have orchestrated what turned out to be another great Betterton event this past Saturday, August 31st.  Despite the fact that the event was postponed one week due to a late fig crop and harvest; neighbors, friends and family gathered at the east end of Bayside Boulevard to show off their unique fig creations and then consume all that was there.  "Figitini" anyone! Guaranteed to take your worries away and support colon health according to Palmer's daughter and creator of this cocktail.  This year's winners included Kim Kohl with a "First Place for her Fig Sliders and Best Junior Chef for yet another year, Doyle DiStefano.  When Doyle was queried as to his thoughts on success, he looked to his Dad, Brian, and Mom, Maureen.  Rumors have it that Doyle enjoys cooking as much as sports.  Both Barbara P and Wendy C attribute the success of this year's event to the tremendous support both creators got from the Betterton community.  People were there for the set-up, helped with serving food and drink, and most importantly showed up Sunday morning to help with final clean up. Barbara and Wendy believe that this event has immense potential to grow as a fun filled day for all who attend and a great way to raise dollars for the Betterton Community Development Corporation that keeps the "Jewel" glowing.  This being said both Barbara and Wendy are exhausted and really believe it is time for other Bettertonians to step up to the plate as organizers.  Planning for next year's event needs to start now says Coslett, who is more than happy to help but doesn't want to be at the lead. Barbara said the only downside to this year's event was when Tinkerbelle Coslett morphed into Cujo and attacked some friendly canines who came as the sun began its fall below the horizon.  Barbara does promise that if Tinkerbelle doesn't get some manners, then next year she will ask some of her Chilean relatives and friends for some Fig Stuffed Chihuahua  recipes.  I'd be scared Tinkerbelle, if I were you ! Barbara is not known for idle threats.

The Blogger has learned that our Waste Water Treatment Plant had one of its heaviest usage days this past Sunday. Can anyone figure out why?   If you can't go eat another fig or two.  Now enjoy the photos below by clicking on the link titled Fig Fest 2013. You will be asked to sign into Snapfish but no purchases will be required.